This Is Where We Live - By Janelle Brown Page 0,74

need to know.

She led her guest toward the living room, as Cristina prattled on about something related to the baby. “You wouldn’t believe how much a crib costs, especially if you want one that’s made with nontoxic materials. Same price as a used car! You’d think with all these recession sales everywhere, things would be cheaper, but not baby gear. But luckily we’re getting hand-me-downs from my sister.” Cristina smiled with the bland complacency of the newly knocked-up, then turned to look out the window, one palm placed absently on her slightly bulbous belly. “You know, your house is lovely. It’s really very cozy up here, isn’t it? Like a little nest.”

Claudia led Cristina toward the window and they gazed out at the lights of the houses on the ridge across the way, bright beacons in the dark. “It’s our oasis.”

“I might feel a little isolated, though.”

“Maybe, a little.”

“You own?”

“Technically, the bank owns,” Claudia said, more breezily than she felt. “We’re just doing our best to keep them off our backs.” She thought of Lucy, who had agreed to stay out of the house tonight, and offered a quick prayer of gratitude that she wasn’t around—Cristina didn’t strike her as the type of person who would ever get herself in such a financial mess that she’d need to take on a roommate. Lucy would be too embarrassing to explain.

Cristina nodded. “We’re thinking of buying soon, maybe after the wedding. Real estate prices are plummeting. Did you read that story today—twenty-seven percent this year so far?”

“At least the crash is working out for someone.” Claudia couldn’t quite force a convincing smile. “So, tell me about the wedding.”

“We’re going to hold the ceremony in the courtyard of the museum where I work and then have dinner afterward at a Cuban restaurant. It’ll be casual.” Cristina spun around and studied the rest of the living room, an assessor doing an impromptu survey. Her gaze snagged briefly on the unfortunate floral chaise, before abruptly snapping to focus on Beautiful Boy. “Oh, my God!” she exclaimed. “Is that an Aoki Hamasaku?”

Claudia gazed up at Jeremy’s painting, surprised by Cristina’s outburst. “Yeah,” she said. “You’ve heard of her?”

Cristina closed in on the painting, bringing her nose just inches from the divots and claw marks in the thick green paint. “Of course. The museum has three pieces by her in its collection. God, this is gorgeous! Why do you have it?” She turned quickly and looked at Claudia. “Did that sound bad? I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Just … it’s a surprise to see one hanging in … a normal person’s house.”

Claudia could feel something unpleasant breaking loose inside her. Yes, Aoki was successful, but a museum collection? This was an unfortunate revelation. “She used to go out with Jeremy, years ago.”

Cristina’s mouth shaped itself into a little O of surprise, revealing the pink flesh inside her lips. “Oh, my God, of course. Jeremy is that Jeremy! The Jeremy Series Jeremy!”

“Well, yes. She used to paint him a lot,” Claudia said. This particular moniker—The Jeremy Series—was one she hadn’t heard before, and she wished she still hadn’t. It solidified Aoki’s hold on Jeremy’s past, consecrating their connection not just as a failed relationship but as a bona fide movement. Like Picasso’s Blue Period.

“I know! There must be at least three dozen paintings of him out there! Do you also own the one that was on the cover of ArtForum? That was my favorite. Oh, no, wait, I think I read that Oprah bought that one.” Cristina moved her hand across the surface of the painting, her palm hovering above the whorls and divots.

“This is the only one we own.” Claudia said, wondering how she could change the subject without being obvious about it. She hated that Cristina knew there was a that Jeremy; hated, even more, the fact that Aoki’s existence was so prominent in her life again. Somehow, despite her best efforts to blot out Aoki’s presence in the world, the woman had managed to slip back into their lives, a development for which Claudia was emotionally unprepared.

Not that there was a specific reason she should feel so ill-at-ease. When Jeremy came home after his coffee with Aoki earlier that week, Claudia had examined him closely for signs of … exactly what, she wasn’t sure, but something. He was flushed, edgy, but that could be the fallout from Audiophone’s demise the previous evening rather than any residual excitement from seeing his ex-girlfriend. He’d Copyright 2016 - 2024