Where We Left Off - Romeo Alexander Page 0,28

be a rich boy with daddy problems?”

Tyler frowned at him. “That’s not fair, Clay.”

“It’s fair because it’s true.”

“It’s not fair because it’s not his fault his dad is an asshole.”

“Still, those are daddy issues.”


Clay chuckled, patting Tyler’s elbow as he passed. “Don’t have a fit, Tyler. I’ve always liked Nathan. I think I would just like him better if his family wasn’t such baggage.”

“I might know a little something about that,” Tyler grumbled.

Clay chuckled as he stepped into the bathroom. “If you come back late, don’t forget to turn the alarm system on.”

“I won’t.”

“And don’t forget your keys either. I don’t want to have to get up at a god awful hour to let you in.”

“I’ll grab them.”

“And use protection.”

And with that parting shot, Clay closed the bathroom door, leaving Tyler to gape at him, mouth flapping uselessly. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, he turned on his heel and walked away before Clay could think of something else to add.

When he’d put on his little show for Nate, which had been meant as a joke and somehow quickly became deadly serious, he didn’t think anyone had been watching him. Then again, if Clay had happened to glance outside and figure out what was happening, he wouldn’t have said anything. Elliot, though, would have probably stuck his head out the window and made a comment loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

Tyler hurried out the front door before he could start thinking too hard about the look on Nate’s face. Tyler had only wanted to get a rise out of him, just something to tease him about, even if he had secretly hoped he was right. When Nate had been reduced to a gaping mute, Tyler had realized he’d got a rise of something out of Nate.

The thought made him chuckle as he bound down the front steps. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea, poking the bear when they were barely friends again. Or hell, maybe it was just the sort of thing they needed, their own personal issues be damned.

But there was only one way to find out.

Lost in his own thoughts as he reached the cafe, he almost didn’t recognize Nate waiting for him outside. He was dressed in a loose tank top and a pair of jogging shorts. Tyler stopped short when he saw him, realizing he was staring a little too hard at the way the shorts cupped Nate’s ass as he turned, keeping a watchful eye out for Tyler.

When Nate spotted him, his sweaty brow lifted with a smile. “There you are. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of getting your drink for you.”

Tyler took the offered cup, looking Nate over. “Run here?”

Nate ducked his head sheepishly. “Admittedly, you reminded me that I’ve been behind on my own exercise and it seemed like a good place to start. Well, and I figured a run through the city would do me some good. I’m far too used to climate-controlled private gyms.”

That had always been one of his favorite things about Nate and the first thing that drew Tyler to the man. For all the coddling and comfort he’d had while growing up, he’d never seemed to get lost in the golden world he lived in. It had been Nate who’d persuaded his father to let him go to a public school, rather than the fancy private one. And it was Nate who always seemed willing to step outside the world he’d been born into, willing to see what the rest of the world had to offer.

Tyler took a sip from the cup, humming appreciatively at the concoction. “And how did you like it?”

Nate screwed his features up thoughtfully. “You know, I had thought I might hate it. And after nearly getting run over by a few different cyclists, dealing with traffic, the sticky heat, and the ridiculous amount of rude people, I was sure I was going to hate it.”

Tyler grinned. “But I’m guessing you don’t hate it.”

“Looking back on it, hindsight has given me a greater appreciation for it. I never got out into the city much when I was younger, and that always seemed like such a crime. But now, I have a little more of a chance I’m willing to take it,” Nate told him.

“Not that I’m going to complain about this newfound attitude of yours. I’m all for you taking risks and getting out. But why all of a sudden? No offense, Nate, but

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