Where the Truth Lives - Mia Sheridan Page 0,89

rolled his eyes, but smiled indulgently. “Stay in the guest room. I’ve got an extra toothbrush. You don’t need to be alone, not after today. Pack a bag tomorrow and stay here for a couple of days until I have a chance to follow some leads that might shed light on your brother’s connection to this case. For safety’s sake.”

She felt a strange thump in her stomach as though a small bubble had burst. That was ridiculous. Anything else her mind had immediately conjured at the idea of staying the night at Reed’s would be a very bad idea, especially in the present moment. And she could admit that it also scared her senseless, but in a way that felt . . . new. A different kind of fear that she couldn’t sort through at the moment, not when she was so incredibly tired. And not with him staring at her with those beautifully sensitive eyes.

There was also something in his gaze that made her think he was worried for her, that her brother’s—what did she call it at this point?—attempted murder not only meant a connection to the killer, but that it likely meant the killer was connected to her as well. Stay here. For safety’s sake. Was she in danger? She had found the first victim. What did it all mean? Anxiety trembled through her and she realized that, though she felt relaxed at the moment, she didn’t relish the idea of getting in her car and driving home to her empty apartment.

She gave him a wry tilt of her lips. “I’ll be putting your sister out of a vacation hotspot.”

Reed rolled his eyes. “Good.”

She went serious, her nerves tingling. “You wouldn’t mind?”

Reed smiled. “No, I wouldn’t mind. I’d like it.” He reached out and took her hand. “Stay, please, Liza.


Reed pulled out Liza’s chair and she slid in, smiling at him over her shoulder and making his knees feel weak. He took the seat across from her and the waiter put two menus in front of them. “You look beautiful,” he told her, gazing across the table. Liza was wearing a black long-sleeved dress that dipped between her breasts and her blonde hair was down, swept away from her face on one side in a sparkly clip. She reminded him of the way she’d looked the night he’d met her, the dark colors of her clothing highlighting her pale hair and creamy skin—making her glow. You took my breath away, Liza, the first time I saw your face. Only tonight her eyes looked different to him—not wary and closed off as they’d looked that night, but shining with something that looked damn near like happiness. And, he noticed, she wasn’t wearing anything to cover her scar.

“Thank you,” she said. “You look great too.” She took a sip of her water. “This is the first time I’ve seen you out of work clothes.” Her eyes widened and a blush colored her cheeks. “I mean except . . .” She took another sip of her water, cringing slightly and looking around as if hoping the waiter would choose that moment to take their drink order.

Except the night I saw you naked.

Reed suppressed a smile, his own body flushing with heat from the images that filled his head. “Except the night we met. In the bar. When I was wearing . . . let’s see . . . jeans from what I remember.”

Liza laughed, giving a nod and placing her water down. “Right. That’s what I was about to say.”

Reed chuckled, picking up his menu as the waiter approached their table.

They ordered a bottle of wine, and then their entrées, making small talk. When their food had been delivered to the table, and they’d both dug in, Reed asked Liza if she’d heard from the hospital. Liza nodded, putting her fork down. “Yes. They called to let me know it was time. I . . . drove over and sat with him as they turned off the machines. It was very quick.”

Shit. “I’m so sorry, Liza.” He hadn’t realized she’d been there. He’d been so buried under the case earlier that day, he hadn’t even called her. He watched her expression, trying to gauge how watching her brother die had affected her. “Are you all right?” He reached across the table and laid his hand on hers.

Her gaze went to their hands and she turned hers over, squeezing him. Her hand was warm and slender and Jesus, he loved

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