Where the Truth Lives - Mia Sheridan Page 0,140

home. We all deserve to go home.” He turned in a circle, addressing them all.

“It’ll only be a few moments of pain, and then we’ll all be free.”

And then Axel struck a match, dropping it into a puddle of gasoline. Screams erupted as a trail of fire whooshed toward the walls and instantly began climbing. Spreading rapidly, the room alight in gold and orange flames. A growing inferno.

And in the middle stood the madman, head back, waiting with rapture, to burn.

Behind him, Charles’s feet hit the ground. He straightened, teeth bared as Axel whipped around, one demon facing down another.


Reed jerked, halting the foot he was about to set down and turning in confusion. Was that . . . he swore he’d heard his name coming from the woods just behind him.

“Reed!” He heard it again, this time more distinctly and his heart jolted.



He turned around, rushing toward her voice. She emerged through the trees a moment later, muddy and . . . bloody, dirty tear tracks down her face, her breath coming in harsh gasps.

“Liza!” He rushed to her, taking her in his arms as she collapsed against him, crying and shaking, gripping him.

“Reed, Reed, Reed, Reed,” she chanted between gasps and sobs.

“You’re okay. Baby, you’re okay,” he said, confusion drumming within him.

“. . . rats and snakes and . . .” She was mumbling, as deep tremors rocked through her body, one after the other. “Charles helped me get free . . . he gave me a tool . . . and then the tunnel and . . .”

Charles? No, what? He held her away from him so he could look at her, his eyes moving wildly over her to assess where she was hurt, his mind grasping blindly to understand what was happening, where she’d come from, and how she’d gotten free. Her eyes looked slightly glassy with shock, but she was looking at him not through him, and that was enough. Whatever she’d experienced, she was holding it together.

“He had you, Liza? Axel?”

She nodded, pulling herself straight, his words seeming to give her renewed strength. “He has them all, Reed. He has Arryn.” She pointed behind him toward the dilapidated house. “In there. He’s going to set a fire. Any minute. Any minute, Reed.”

Reed let go of Liza, reaching for his gun. “Okay. Stay here. Right here. I’m going to call in reinforcements, but I can’t wait. I have to go in.”

“No!” Liza had begun shaking her head and now gripped the front of his jacket as she caught her breath. “No, Reed, you can’t. There are explosives around the perimeter of the property.”

“Explosives?” What the fuck?

“Yes. Where the fence ends. There’s one right there. I don’t know where the others are but there are more.”

Reed glanced over his shoulder, swallowing. Holy shit. He’d been about to step past the fence when he’d heard her call his name. His skin prickled. She’d saved his life and probably his limbs. “All right,” he breathed, his mind spinning. He’d have to call in the Fire Department. They had an Explosive Ordinance Device Unit. He felt sweat pooling at the small of his back. There was no fucking time for that. His sister was in there with a maniac who meant to burn her alive.

Sound behind them caused Reed to swing around, bringing his weapon up as Zach and Ransom emerged from the woods, coming from the same direction Reed had taken. His shoulders lowered as a breath of relief ghosted from his mouth. He lowered his gun. “Jesus, I’m happy to see you two.”

Their gazes flew to Liza and the house beyond and Reed could see the confusion on their faces. But they’d come. They’d answered his call. They were here, and they could discuss all the details later. “He’s got them in that house,” Reed said, nodding back over his shoulder.

Both men retrieved the weapons at their waists, ready to storm the place.

He turned to Liza, speaking quickly. “My car’s back that way,” Reed instructed. “Right through these trees.” He handed her his phone. “Use this for a flashlight and call for help. Go!”

Liza nodded, started to turn and then turned back, grabbing his head and kissing him quickly on his lips. “I love you. I love you so much,” she breathed. And then she turned and she ran into the darkness again.

“Let’s go—” Zach started to say, taking a step forward. Reed put his hand on his chest, stopping him, telling him about the explosives.


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