Where Foxes Hunt with Wolves - K.A. Merikan Page 0,90

get his way. He’d had to show off, and dance, and shock everyone.

Radek fell to his hands and knees, obscured in the darkness, desperate for a place to hide, but everything around him was growing, and he shed the weight of his clothes. Everyone looked massive from the floor, their legs like moving trees that might crush him if he failed to roll away in time, their raised voices like a horn calling hunters to follow the fox.

He couldn’t breathe.

If he got captured here, his life would be over.

“It’s a fox! Fox! Security,” a woman shrieked, and Radek’s world tumbled when something hit him in the ribs and sent him rolling in the narrow corridor leading to the restrooms.

He screeched for help, no longer able to conceal himself, because if he made enough noise, maybe Yev would hear him all the way in the booth. He ran as fast as he could, narrowly avoiding another kick that would have sent him into the wall. He needed to hide—at all cost—so he focused on skirting by walls, in the darkest of corners as adrenaline pumped through his veins.

“No, I’m sure! It was a fox,” someone cried behind him, but he rushed on, increasingly desperate.

He didn’t even recognize the club from this angle, lost in what felt like a maze, not a familiar drinks harbor. Every boot and stiletto were a deadly weapon, and all he wanted was to hide, because there was no way he’d calm down enough to shift back in these conditions.

A familiar neon sign flashed in the far-off end of the hallway and as the thick-necked security guy left his spot at the entrance to see what the commotion was about, Radek wasted no time and dashed along the laminate floor, and then down the stairs, into the cellar that was almost completely dark. Here, music was louder, pulsing, relentless, and it evoked memories of unknown touches on his skin, of unfamiliar lips on his cock.

His human eyes wouldn’t have recognized the silhouettes of people in such low light, but the fox saw them all with ease and maneuvered through the very middle of the narrow walkway that created a maze of sorts, with nooks for people to hook up in.

The music seemed louder to him in this form, attacking his eardrums until he lost focus and stopped in the very middle, confused as to where he was and worried of what might happen if someone noticed the wild animal at large.

This place for naughty fun became yet another space where he might end up hurt. Sure, he could bite someone’s dick off in self-defence but what good would that do if that someone bashed his skull in?

Radek found himself in an empty corner, as far away from people as possible and kept his eyes peeled for danger while trying to slow down his breathing. No matter how scary it would be to transform into a human again and end up here completely naked, it was preferable to being captured in the skin of a fox and presumed rabid.

The high volume of the music bashed the insides of his ears and resonated in his skull, but the darkness would keep him safe until he managed to shift back, so he curled up, shocked and afraid of how this night might end for him while the men gathered in the dark room went about their lives, not knowing that something out of the ordinary had happened just beyond their reach.

The air was dense with the scent of sweat, latex, lube, and cum, with many kinds of cologne mixed in, so he didn’t pick up on the familiar aroma at first, but when he felt the floor tremble under him as steady footsteps approached, his little heart leapt, and he looked up in time to see Yev emerge from behind the bend of the corridor, shaking someone’s hand off his shoulder.

He made a few whines to draw Yev’s attention, and got to his feet, so happy he would have jumped straight into his arms if he wasn’t so afraid. He hated being needy, being so dependent on someone else’s help, yet when his salvation came in the form of Yev, he couldn’t contain little cries of joy.

Yev’s arms had never felt better than in that strange moment when they closed around him in the dark room, among people who were in the middle of sex, unaware of what had happened nearby. “Shh, it’s okay. Let’s go home,” Yev said, tucking

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