Where Foxes Hunt with Wolves - K.A. Merikan Page 0,124

on a tomato too hard, and it splattered his fingers with juice and slippery seeds. Seed. He shouldn’t be thinking about seed. Not Adam’s. Not anyone’s. He now wished he could have turned off his annoyingly alert sense of smell.

Emil fucking Adam into the mattress hard, like Radek knew he could.

Adam riding Emil’s cock as if it couldn’t sate him no matter how fast he milked it.

Radek held against the wall with Yev’s strong hands, legs spread for dick, Yev’s claws digging into skin.


“Huh? Yes, yes, I made us all breakfast.” He faked a smile, hoping he didn’t have a stain of pre-cum on his pants.

Adam raised his eyebrows. “The tomato…?” He pointed to the squashed vegetable still dripping from between Radek’s fingers.

“Oh. Sorry.” At least this was a decent excuse for turning his back on Adam, so he rushed to dispose of the tomato and wash his hands.

Adam grinned as he passed the table. “My, my! What a feast! I feel pampered,” he said, energetic as if he’d just had the fuck of his life. He stuck his head outside and whistled. Moments later, Jinx, their huge wolf dog sped inside, cuddling against Adam’s thighs as if she hadn’t seen him for weeks.

He roughly dried her paws before leading the way back to the kitchen. “Let’s feed you too, girl! What will it be? Chicken? Pork?”

Jinx gave a sharp howl that ended in a sound reminiscent of bubbling water, and sat by the bowls while her master selected the right container from the fridge. Jinx only ate homemade. She was nowhere near as big as Yev in his werewolf form, but Radek still had to fight the urge to hug the beast, to lick her furry ear, to—

No. He was disgusting.

Was he addicted to sex and never realized it because finding partners came so easily to him?

No, that couldn’t be. He’d been through some dry spells without much issue.

“Morning!” Emil said with the grin of a sated beast as he strode into the kitchen and got himself a cup of coffee. “There’s my girl!” he greeted Jinx, but the wolf evaded her master and went straight for Radek, pressing her muzzle to his crotch and sniffing loudy.

Radek’s face exploded with heat, and he pulled his T-shirt lower, shooing her away.

“Whoa! I know I spilled broth on myself earlier, but take it easy,” he said, stepping behind the table and sitting so the wood hid away his shame.

Emil chuckled as if it were the funniest thing on the planet, but when Jinx dove under the table instead of going for her food, even he frowned. “Wow. You’ll need to change or she might tear those pants off you and eat them.”

Radek gave a fake laugh and gave up on staying at the table. Jinx could smell he was a deviant fox and wanted a piece. “I’ll take a shower, but don’t wait up. Enjoy breakfast!”

He rushed out of the room, feeling like he had a giant ‘S’ for ‘slut’ branded at the back of his head. Emil had to close the door to prevent Jinx from following him.

The shame.

There seemed to be no way around it. He rolled into bed, frantically letting out the stiff monster bothering him. “The fuck is wrong with you?” he asked, but the offending organ said nothing, pointing to the ceiling in suggestion

“Okay, let’s get this over with…”

He grabbed some lube and started jerking off. He’d avoided thinking of Yev when he masturbated, but this time, he didn’t have the strength to deny himself anymore. The hairy chest and dick to end all dicks were his go-to fantasy, and at this point he just wanted the job done.

His arousal spiked even more when he imagined his shoulder stinging from one of those illicit, painful bites Yev claimed him with. He could practically feel the strong, warm body over his, Yev’s tongue soothing the stinging flesh, Yev’s fingers pushing into his hole.

Breathless, he rolled to his knees and buried his face in the pillow. His own digits moved over his hole, sending a jolt deep inside him. He had a dildo in his Cracow apartment, and he’d give a pinkie to have one here, to scratch his itch, but he wasn’t taking any chances with random phallic objects. The last thing he needed was a trip to the ER because he accidentally slipped and fell onto a candle, or whatever else he might have chosen.

That thought somehow morphed into a fantasy of Yev fucking him with

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