When You're Mine - Layla Hagen Page 0,7

was just coming to....”

“Lecture me for checking out Melanie at the gym?” I asked point-blank.

Isabelle’s jaw dropped. “Yes. How did you know?”

I pointed at my eyes, then at hers. “You looked at me like you wanted to skewer me today.”

Isabelle put her hands on her hips, tilting her head. “Okay, you caught me.”

“Wait a second,” Ian said, “you’re warning him off? You usually try to sell him on relationships.”

“Yes, but I failed, so I’m switching tactics. Mel wants a relationship and everything that comes with it. And you don't. You keep saying you've sworn off all that. Or has that changed?"

"No, it hasn’t," I said dryly.

“See? That’s exactly my point.”

Ian whistled loudly. “I think he got it, sis.”

“I’m not so sure. He didn’t say anything,” Ryker pointed out.

“Oh yeah. Look at his smile. There’s a bit of guilt right there,” Josie said. “He’s planning to ignore the warning.”

I shot Josie a look.

“Aha!” she said. “See. Isabelle, I think you’re going about this the wrong way. Telling him someone’s off-limits is like waving a red flag in front of a bull.”

“Can we change the subject?” I said, laughing at the insane turn this conversation was taking.

Cole shrugged. “Just saying, Ryker and I were singing a similar tune not too long ago about liking our bachelor status. Things can change fast. Keep an open mind.”

“Not the subject change I was hoping for,” I confessed with a groan.

“He’s right, though,” Ryker said.

And didn’t I know it? These two used to have a completely different outlook on life before they were married. Their perspective was much like my current one, only I wasn’t planning to change it. After a long-term relationship, I proposed to Lina, who turned me down, saying she wasn’t sure I was the one. I later found out she’d been seeing other guys behind my back. I’d been burned once, and it was enough for me to learn my lesson.

I finally got around to choosing two wine bottles from the fridge and uncorking them. Isabelle took out seven glasses, and I poured white wine in all of them. As I picked up my drink, I felt my smartphone vibrate in my back pocket.

I took it out, reading the new text.

Unknown: Hey, Mr. Savior. I got your note. I’m feeling great. Thanks for checking on me.

Dylan: Glad you’re doing okay. Are you home?

Melanie: Yes. Thank you again for everything today. You’re a white knight, truly.

Dylan: And an excellent secret keeper, right?

Melanie: That depends. I’ll wait until next time I see Isabelle to pass judgment on that.

Dylan: Think I’m going to rat you out? That’s how little you think of me?

Melanie: Not at all. It’s just that Isabelle’s told me you’re close.

Dylan: Really? What else did she say? It seems you know more about me than I do about you. How about you level that playing field?

She didn’t answer right away, but I saw the dots indicating she was typing on the screen. When she finally answered, my face instantly cracked in a smile. It was completely unexpected.

Melanie: I only spill secrets face-to-face, Mr. White Knight.

Dylan: I’ll remind you about this next time I see you.

There was another pause before the next message.

Melanie: OH THAT SOUNDED FLIRTY. I’m sorry. I’m enjoying a glass of wine.

I burst out laughing, typing back quickly.

Dylan: You’re still not off the hook.

“Is it just me, or does Dylan look like he’s up to no good? And maybe even a bit guilty?” Tess asked in a fake whisper we could all hear.

I looked up from my phone to find everyone staring at me. I wiggled my eyebrows. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Yes, we would,” Isabelle said.

Laughing, I shook my head. “Why don’t you take a guess?”

“Ha! Game on,” Isabelle said.

“Man, why did you do this? Now she’s like a dog with a bone,” Ian said. “But hey, you dug your own grave.”

“I always do,” I admitted, but I lived for the small pleasures in life, like teasing my sisters.

Tess was half right: I was up to no good. But I wasn’t feeling guilty about it at all.

Chapter Four


“My brain is fried,” Ian declared.

“Mine too.” We’d been brainstorming ways to improve the code on project Z for the past two hours.

“I’m going back to my cave to try some of the things we discussed, see if I can get it right.”

I nodded as he rose to his feet. “I’ll try the same.”

“By the way, should we check on Isabelle? She’s been radio silent for the past three days. I thought

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