When You're Mine - Layla Hagen Page 0,21

this guy gorgeous or what?

Since he had his back to me, I felt safe to drink him in. I started at his ankles, because even those were sexy enough to be admired, and worked my way up slowly.

When I reached his upper back, I realized he was looking over his shoulder—at me. Oh, wow. What was the protocol for checking out a friend after you’d had a hot-as-hell kiss? I had no clue how to navigate these murky waters.

He jumped off the treadmill, walking over to me. I sucked in a breath.

“Careful, friend, I think you're sending me mixed signals,” he said.

I sighed, holding up my palms in defense. “I admit, caught in the act.”

He laughed, but then his eyes were serious as he turned his gaze on me. “Mel, if this is uncomfortable for you, say the word and I'll get another trainer.”

“No, no, it's fine. I have to get used to all this testosterone and sexy muscles.”

He laughed. “You're surrounded by guys working out every day.”

I shrugged. “I know, okay? But I don't kiss all of them, just you.” Lowering my voice to a whisper, I added, “Besides, you’re hotter than everyone here. Can you please stop being so hot? It messes with my concentration.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Chapter Eight


I got home late that evening, realizing that was not the best scenario for my new temporary roommate. I named the puppy Cody in my mind but didn’t want to call him by any name. Isabelle and Brayden should do it. I bent down and scratched his ears before I analyzed the scene in front of me.

“What did you do, break into my shoebox and chew everything?” And by everything, I meant five pairs of shoes. “You managed to do all this damage in the thirty minutes since the sitter left?” She’d messaged earlier, giving me the rundown of the day, and also said he was determined not to sleep in the brand-new crate I got him today.

I took a picture of my chewed shoes and sent it to Mel. I didn't know why, but I wanted to share this hilarious moment with her. She’d completely thrown me for a loop today when she’d said she wanted to be friends, especially after giving in to the kiss like that. She’d completely surrendered to me. Just remembering it was enough to make me hard. Fuck.

I wanted Mel in my life. I had no idea what to do about the crazy way I wanted her. During our session, it took all my self-restraint not to kiss her in the middle of the gym.

She called me right away, as I was putting the shoes up, out of the puppy’s reach.

“I'm so sorry that he chewed your shoes. Did he also damage your furniture?”

“I haven't checked yet. He's been on his own for half an hour. How much damage can he do during that time?”

“Oh, you don't want to know the answer to that.”

“I guess I'll find out soon enough.”

“So he and the sitter aren’t getting along, then?”

“No, they are. The sitter had to leave earlier than anticipated, and I was a bit late, but she did say he's not sleeping in his dog bed.”

“Oh, well, he does have to get accustomed to that. Where did he sleep last night?”

“On the couch, I think. That's where I found him in the morning next to a huge mess. I forgot to take him out at night.”

“Hmm... well, some puppies do prefer a couch. Oh, Dylan. I can’t believe he chewed your shoes.”

“My brother’s got a puppy?” I heard Isabelle’s voice in the background.

“Oh no,” Mel exclaimed. “I didn’t know you were back, Isabelle.”

“Put me on speakerphone,” I said.

A second later, Isabelle’s voice was loud and clear. “Do my ears deceive me?”

“Not at all, sis.” Since the cat was out of the bag, I had to fess up. “It’s my present for you. I know you want one.”

“Holy shit! Really? You’re the best brother in the world. But wait, why is he at your place?”

“Because I didn’t want to leave him at the shelter for another two weeks until you move,” I explained.

“Awww... I knew you were a softie somewhere deep down under that armor. Very deep,” my sister taunted.

I laughed. I would never hear the end of it. I was sure of it.

“What does he look like?” Isabelle inquired.

“He’s black. I’d say a mix of Labrador and cocker spaniel,” I explained.

“When can I see him?”

“After you move.”

“Ha! The joke’s on you, brother. I have a

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