When Villains Rise (Market of Monsters #3) - Rebecca Schaeffer Page 0,58

background of dozens of videos.

Nita smiled slightly, pleased it had worked out so well.

She scrolled through the comments, some of them wondering if the clips were fake, others wondering if INHUP was trying to trap the zannie, others wondering if he even was a zannie.

Other articles had sprung up, all asking how an INHUP agent could be going on what looked like a date with a zannie. Some speculated that this was a romance gone wrong, and an INHUP agent had abused her power to put her ex-boyfriend on the list.

Nita hadn’t planned for this to look like a lover’s quarrel, and she imagined some intrepid reporter would figure out the truth soon enough, but for now, she liked the romance angle. Romance gone wrong always got a lot of attention in the tabloids.

For once, the stereotypes against zannies worked in Kovit’s favor. The video clips, while short, showed him laughing and smiling and acting perfectly adorable. It was a bit of a shock—usually in public Kovit was mildly terrifying, people steering clear of him without fully understanding why. But in the video he seemed so happy and joyful, and if he had his danger aura, it didn’t come through.

No one believed someone who looked so genuine could be a monster.

Nita skimmed through comments and tweets, a little creeped out by how many people commented on Kovit’s looks and attractiveness, like that was some kind of metric for innocence.

But a lot of people were angry. Petitions had been made, investigations had been called for. Someone had dug up the fact that Kovit had been added to the list before the mandatory weeklong verification period was completed, and this had incensed the public even more. People were demanding Kovit be taken off the list until a thorough inquiry had been done.

Nita smiled as she read through the articles. It was going well, better than she’d expected. Soon people would start to ask how many other innocent people had been put on the list. Investigations would be called, people would demand accountability. The list would grind to a halt during the investigation, everything on pause as the world watched.

Who knew how long an investigation might take. Months? Years? Indefinitely?

Her glee was tempered by wariness. She couldn’t get cocky. INHUP wouldn’t go down that easily. That was fine, though. She’d be ready for whatever they threw at her next.

Beside her, Kovit made a strangled sound. His eyes were glued to his phone screen, and Nita could almost see the life draining out of him.

“What is it?” she asked.

He hesitated, then looked away, his voice a whisper. “My internet friends. They saw the news. They recognized me. They’re asking if it’s true.”

“Ah.” Nita’s voice was heavy with understanding. The only real friends he’d had, shielded from him by a virtual screen. People who’d supported him without knowing at all who he was. The group Gold had infiltrated to spy on Kovit for Henry.

“What do I say?” Kovit looked down at his hands. “I never wanted them to know.”

“You could lie. Say it was a look-alike.”

He shook his head. “And then what? The lie wouldn’t hold forever.”

“Then tell the truth. Your version of the truth. Before Gold gets in there and poisons them all with hers.”

After a long moment, he whispered, “I’m scared.”

Nita’s heart broke a little at the sound, at the fragile cracks in his voice.

“They’ll probably hate me forever. This will be . . . It will be the end.” He looked at her, lashes casting dark shadows on his cheeks. “And I don’t want it to end.”

Nita didn’t know what to say to that, because there wasn’t much she could say. She could tell him that he had other support now, that he wasn’t alone anymore, a scared child trapped in a cage with only the friends on the other side of the screen to keep him sane. But that wouldn’t change how much these people meant to him or lessen the blow of their loss.

So instead, she just squeezed his hand gently, letting him know she was there.

He looked back down at his phone and finally started typing, his fingers slow and heavy as they slid across the screen.

She turned to her own phone. She hadn’t actually read through Kovit’s listing, and she wondered what it said. What horrors his friends were imagining. She found her fingers flicking across her screen before she could stop herself.

It didn’t say much. Just that he was there, he’d committed multiple crimes against humanity.

And that

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