When Twilight Comes - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,58

he does, he isn’t leaving this place. Save yourself, Jenna, before it’s too late.”

Redemption? Is that what this was about? The mist seemed to engulf Raymond. Jenna stared at the spot where he’d been standing, but he was gone.

She looked over at Harry. Their eyes met. Was it true? Was he nothing but a thief and a con man? Had he lured her here for his own reasons? “Tell me what he said isn’t true.”

His image seemed to fade. He said nothing.

She heard the snap of a twig, the scuff of a shoe on stone. Lorenzo came lumbering up over the rise. He looked winded and his pants were muddy, as if he’d fallen.

He leaned against one of the large rocks, obviously trying to catch his breath, but his eyes were on her. His lips turned up in a smile. “Looks like it’s just you and me, Jenna. You shouldn’t have taken my money.”

Jenna took a step toward him, remembering the cliff behind her. Lorenzo had strength and size on his side, not to mention a weapon under his jacket. Lorenzo always had a weapon close by.

He pushed himself off the huge rock he’d been leaning on and sauntered toward her. “You didn’t really think you could get away from me, did you?”

“No,” she said, realizing she never had. “I guess I always knew this moment would come.”

He was close enough that she could smell him, the sweat, the blood, the stale, leftover fear. “This is some freaky place you picked to hide in, you know?”

If he only knew. She drew the gun from behind her and pointed it at his heart.

He froze in midstep. “What do you think you’re doing?” He let out a coarse laugh. “You don’t even know how to use a gun.”

She fired off a shot that ricocheted off the rocks behind him.

He swallowed, his face going slack, a flicker of fear showing in his eyes. “So you learned how to fire a gun. You ever see a bullet rip through flesh? Ever see someone die right before your eyes? It’s an ugly sight, Jenna, one you would never get out of your head.” His smile broadened. “Firing a shot into the air is one thing. But put a bullet into a man? The man who fathered your daughter? The man who you once loved?”

He started to step closer.

“Don’t!” Jenna cried, her finger tensing on the trigger. He was right about one thing. She couldn’t shoot him.

She lowered the gun, dropping it to her feet as she braced herself.

She’d already decided there was only one thing she could do: grab him and take him with her over the edge of the cliff. She tried not to think about leaving Lexi behind, because that would make her weak, and right now Jenna had to be strong. Dying herself was one thing, but she couldn’t leave Lorenzo free. Couldn’t leave knowing he could get her baby girl.

Lorenzo smiled. “I knew you couldn’t shoot me.”

She thought about what Raymond had said—that Harry had brought her here. That if he couldn’t find a way to leave, then he would make sure she didn’t, either. Was that why he’d brought her up here? He wanted her to die and be trapped here with him?

After you grab him, drop down and let the momentum of his motion propel him over your head and out.

At first she wasn’t even sure she’d heard Harry, let alone heard him correctly.

Raymond’s right, I can’t save you. All I can do is try to help you. If you should fall, try to stay close to the edge of the cliff. There’s a ledge about ten feet below you.

A ledge ten feet down. Right. “Always a con man, huh?”

Lorenzo frowned at her words. “What?” He quickly glanced behind him. “Who are you talking to?”

Jenna, Raymond was wrong, though, about us. If it makes any difference, I didn’t bring you here. You were sent to me. I thought it was because we were supposed to be together. I guess I was wrong about that. Something is happening to me. Hurry. I feel as if I don’t have much time.

“I asked you who you were talking to,” Lorenzo snapped, and stuck his face into hers.

She grabbed him by the jacket and did as Harry told her, jerking him hard and at the same time ducking down. Her shoulder caught him in the groin. He let out a howl. His larger, heavier body went airborne over the top of her.

She’d done

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