When Twilight Comes - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,47

controls of a chopper.

“Flu bug. Your service called for a pilot.” The guy gave him a look as if to say, “So here I am.” He stuck out a big suntanned hand. “John James Harrison.”

Raymond shook his hand, a little less uneasy when he felt the strength of the man’s grip. There was also a confidence about the young man. It eased Raymond’s mind some as he watched him ready the chopper.

“How long will it take to get there?” Raymond asked.

“Half an hour once we’re off the ground.”

“You been flying long?”

Harrison gave him an amused smile, showing a lot of white teeth as he cranked up the engine. “Since I was a kid. My father was a pilot,” he said over the whoop-whoop of the blades.

Raymond nodded and tried to relax. Half an hour. He glanced at his watch, wondering what he was doing. This was a mistake. He should never have gotten involved in Jenna Dante’s life to begin with. More to the point, Lorenzo Dante’s life. Raymond hoped he was wrong, but couldn’t help thinking he was somehow responsible for Jenna running. For her taking his money, if indeed she had. For what was bound to be a showdown at some remote hotel in the Cascades.

He’d always been so careful to stay in the shadows. Others before him had ended up in prison or dead because they got their hands dirty. They’d become public figures, with their photographs in the paper all the time depicted as crime bosses. He’d seen enough of those shots on the evening news to swear he wouldn’t be one of them. He lived a secluded, quiet life and was very careful.

Now he’d broken his cardinal rule. He was getting involved. And for what? Five hundred grand? He knew it had little to do with the money, although half a million dollars wasn’t anything to sneeze at.

He had to know who he could trust. That was much more important than money. He had to know who was behind this—and see that they were taken care of.

He felt his gun, where it was tucked in against his ribs. He hadn’t killed anyone in years. Not that he hadn’t kept up his marksmanship abilities at the shooting range he’d installed in the lower level of his home.

Some nights he shot round after round. He knew that to truly be safe, he needed to be able to protect himself. Then he would bowl in the single alley he’d had built next to the shooting range. No one knew about the bowling because he didn’t want anyone to know just how lonely he was. Just how alone.

And that, he knew, was why he was doing this. Not because of the money or the trust issue. He wanted Jenna. He’d wanted her from the first time he’d laid eyes on her and he’d found out that Lorenzo had married the girl.

Raymond had been sick with desire for Lorenzo Dante’s wife. And now he could have her. She would be grateful for his help. She would owe him. Especially if she’d taken his money. Even if she didn’t want him, he knew he could convince her that she belonged with him. He would protect her. And her daughter. From Lorenzo.

The helicopter lifted off. The sinking sun glinted on the high-rises in downtown Seattle. The Space Needle stood alone, a soaring landmark, glowing in the sun.

The chopper headed east, crossing over miles of traffic-filled highways, clusters of small communities, until finally the landscape below them turned green.

Raymond breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back and closed his eyes. He thought about Jenna and prayed that she wasn’t involved in trying to rip him off. Especially that she wasn’t in this with Lorenzo. Raymond knew he couldn’t forgive that.

Heavy at heart, he hated to think what he would have to do if he found out that Jenna had betrayed him.

CHARLENE CAME UP OVER THE rise and there it was. Fernhaven Hotel.

Even through the rain and fog, the place looked amazing.

“Wow.” Charlene had dreamed about living a life like this. Fancy hotels, breakfast in bed, people to wait on her….

But how had Jenna Dante gone from that fleabag apartment where she’d lived to this? Last Charlene knew, Jenna had less money than Charlene herself.

Blackmail? Was she selling these so-called papers to her ex?

Charlene smiled at the thought. Would be nice to see Jenna get some backbone, that was for sure. The woman was more beaten down than Charlene had been even during the

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