When Twilight Comes - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,41

against his fingers, groaning once more as he skillfully took her higher and higher, her breath coming hard and fast, her body convulsing with pleasure until he took her to a climactic peak. She shuddered and sighed. All tension washed from her face. A slight smile curved her lips.

He drew the robe back over her as she turned onto her side again. Then he lay down beside her as if he, too, had been sated, he, too, had been released.

As Harry listened to her breathe, his heart ached. Only one of them would be leaving this place.

“ANY IDEA WHERE WE ARE?” Mike Flannigan asked as he shifted the Jeep into four-wheel drive. Ahead Rose could see nothing but trees, with a narrow slash cut through them that looked nothing like a road.

Mike had already had to stop numerous times to get out and move a small downed tree. Or find another way around larger fallen trees.

She looked down at the map in her lap and the compass Mike had given her. “We’re going in the right direction, kinda.”

He laughed and looked over at her.

She felt her heart jump in her chest and wished she hadn’t gotten him involved in this. “This might have been a mistake.”

“You think?” He shook his head as he reached over to lay his warm palm on her shoulder. “We’ll find the road that takes us to this place. Don’t worry.”

The last time she’d been able to get through to the highway patrol, the road wasn’t open yet. That meant Lorenzo couldn’t have gotten to Jenna—even if he had somehow found out where she was.

But still Rose couldn’t relax. She knew how dangerous Lorenzo Dante was. With his connections, who knew what he was capable of?

She feared Franco had found out—just before he’d died. All attempts to contact him through the safe numbers she’d been given had proved fruitless. Her instincts told her he was dead, but she still held out hope that she was wrong.

The Jeep roared up the mountain through the trees, Mike deftly steering it around boulders and tree stumps from when the area had been logged.

She looked at the map. If she was right, they weren’t that far from Fernhaven.

LORENZO COULDN’T SIT still. He paced the interrogation room, cussing cops. “How long can they hold me?” he demanded of his lawyer.

Anthony Cruise sat in the corner, a small man in a dark suit, with a pockmarked face and sharp features. “Depends on if they book you.”

“They aren’t going to book me,” Lorenzo said confidently. “They’re just trying to scare me. They haven’t got anything on me.”

His lawyer glanced at the mirrored wall as if to remind him that cops were probably behind it, watching the two of them.

Thank goodness he’d had the presence of mind to put Alfredo on Charlene before he’d opened the door to the cops, Lorenzo thought. All Alfredo had to do was follow her to Jenna and take care of things. Jenna had said she wanted to return his money, but he didn’t trust her.

He thought of the duffel full of money as his now. If he could get to it before Valencia, he could take at least half and hide it. Let Valencia think Franco and Jenna had split the money. Made a lot more sense than the two of them being romantically involved.

Lorenzo thought he could sell a story that Franco and Jenna had hatched a plan to rip off the money and split it. Then Franco would meet up with his girlfriend, Rose Garcia.

Valencia might actually buy that. And Lorenzo would come out the winner on every count. Franco’s body would never be found—or his half of the money, which was two hundred and fifty large.

But first Lorenzo had to get out of the police station.

When the door finally opened and the big cop, Detective Luke Henry, came in, Lorenzo snapped, “Charge me or let me go. I know my rights, dammit.”

JENNA COULDN’T BELIEVE she’d had the dream again. She woke flushed, the robe sticking to her damp skin. She sat up, shocked to see that it was late. How long had she slept?

She swung her legs over the side of the couch and stumbled to her feet, disoriented and confused, the dream trying to drag her back.

Hurrying through the suite, she jerked open Lexi’s bedroom door, afraid her daughter would be gone. The four-year-old was still snug in the bed, asleep in the dim light.

Jenna rubbed her arms against the instant chill. Once they

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