When Twilight Comes - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,38

you be home taking it easy?”

“I’m fine. It was just a little knife wound. The perp barely cut me. It wasn’t like he shot me.” She snapped her cell phone shut and stared at the computer screen.

Jenna hadn’t used her credit card late last night. Rose felt a wave of disappointment. Now what?

Unable not to think about the blood Luke had found at Dante’s house, Rose checked the police wire. If Lorenzo had dumped the bodies, maybe they’d been found by now.

One report caught her eye. A woman and child and elderly security guard had been stranded at an empty hotel in the Cascades. Highway patrol were unable to reach the three, but had talked to the security guard on the phone.

But what had caught Rose’s eye was the model and color of the SUV the woman had been driving, information provided by the security guard. It matched one owned by Lorenzo Dante. But now that Rose thought about it, she realized Dante hadn’t been driving it this morning when he’d almost hit her.

She called Luke. “Is Lorenzo Dante’s black SUV out there?”

“No, hold on.” Luke left the line and came back. “He says it was stolen. He hasn’t had time to report it yet. He’s driving a rental, and guess whose car is parked out back?”

“Jenna’s,” Rose said. “Bingo. I think she took his SUV, for whatever reason. If I’m right, I might be able to find her.”

“Rose? Listen, I don’t want you doing any thing without backup, and there is no way I can back you up with you being on medical leave, do you hear me?”

“I won’t do anything without backup. I promise.” She hung up. Her instincts told her she was on the right track. If Lorenzo Dante’s SUV really had been stolen, he would have called the cops right away in a fury. But if Jenna had taken it…

Rose jotted down the name of the place. Fernhaven Hotel.

Opening her bottom desk drawer, she pulled out a map of Washington State. Based on the police report, she found the approximate location of the hotel. About two hours from Seattle.

She crossed her fingers as she dialed directory assistance and got the number for the hotel. But when she called the phone rang and rang, each ring causing her more concern. Rose couldn’t shake the feeling that the woman and child stranded at the hotel were Jenna Dante, now McDonald, and her daughter, Alexandria—and that they were in more trouble than they realized.

As the phone rang, Rose studied the map. No close towns around, and according to the latest up date, no way in. The highway was flooded to the east and impassable, and a bridge was out to the west.

Still no answer. She let it ring until it was picked up by voice mail. The message informed her that the hotel wasn’t open for business but would be taking reservations next week, and that a grand opening was scheduled three weeks out.

She would keep trying the number. In the meantime, there had to be a way to get to Fernhaven. That country was crisscrossed with old logging roads. Not the kind of route she could drive in a Mini Cooper, but she knew someone who had a Jeep—and she did need backup.

She dialed Mike Flannigan’s number.

Chapter Ten

Jenna was still trembling after her phone call to Charlene. She had tried to convince herself she’d done the right thing. But now she feared she had only managed to put Charlene’s life in danger.

And all to get the money back to Lorenzo.

Maybe she shouldn’t have even tried. Would it really make that much difference? Something told her it did. No way would Lorenzo have that kind of money just lying around in a duffel bag in the back of the SUV. Especially since he was planning to fly out the next day. He would never have gotten that bag of money through customs.

So what had he planned to do with it?

Since she’d returned to the room, she hadn’t heard any voices in her head. Maybe she’d never heard voices. Or felt someone in the pool with her.

Stress did strange things to a person. And with Lorenzo out there somewhere looking for her…well, no wonder odd things were happening to her.

She shivered at the memory and realized she was still wearing her swimsuit and wrap. Going into the bathroom, she turned on the water and stripped out of her wet clothing. To keep her mind busy she went over the phone

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