When Twilight Comes - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,25

zigzagging her way toward Seattle, the skyline a dull gray in the pouring rain. When she was sure no one was following her, she slowed, pulled out her cell phone and called work.

“When was the last time anyone’s seen Jenna Dante?” she demanded the moment she got her partner at the Seattle Police Department. She was afraid she already knew the answer.

“The chief called off the officer we had watching her after reading your report,” Detective Luke Henry said.

Rose swore. “Does he realize that he probably signed Jenna Dante’s death warrant?”

“She did that when she married Lorenzo and then decided to divorce him,” Luke said solemnly.

True or not, Rose felt responsible. She was the one who’d gotten close to Jenna Dante, close enough that she’d been able to report that Jenna didn’t know enough about her husband’s business to turn state’s evidence against him.

“My cover’s blown,” she said, feeling sick. “I think they made Franco.”

Luke let out a pained sound. “How do you know that?”

“He called me on his way to Lorenzo’s. He said Lorenzo had sounded strange, almost angry. I think Franco was worried Lorenzo had somehow figured out who he was.”

“Not possible. Not after spending two years undercover,” Luke said. “Franco was in. Raymond Valencia trusted him like a son.”

“Well, something went wrong.” she said. “I got a call from Franco’s cell and the caller hung up. Not long after that Lorenzo was holding a gun on me.”

Rose swung the Mini toward the apartment complex where Jenna Dante had been living with her daughter.

“I just left Lorenzo trussed up like a Christmas turkey in my living room,” she said. “One of Raymond Valencia’s men had just arrived when I left. Rico Santos. You might want to send a squad car by so they don’t tear up my house any more than they already have.”

“Where can I reach you?” Luke asked.

“I’m going to try to find Jenna Dante.” She hung up before he could remind her that she was on medical leave.

“TRAPPED?” Jenna echoed in disbelief. “For how long?”

Elmer shrugged. “Until they can get the road open again none of us are going anywhere. The rental company you contacted this morning just called back. They can’t get a car to you. The crew working on the hotel couldn’t even get through. A bridge washed out to the west of us and the road is still flooded to the east.”

“Surely there must be some other way out of here.”

He shook his head. “Not until they get a road open, but don’t worry. There is food stocked in the kitchen and so far the power hasn’t gone out.” He smiled. “It could be worse.”

Yes, she thought, it definitely could be. If she couldn’t get out of here, then Lorenzo couldn’t get to her.

Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t supposed to leave here, that her ending up here wasn’t an accident.

That was crazy.

No crazier than the dream she’d had last night. She could still feel the effects of it. Crazy or not, a part of her didn’t want to leave. She wanted him to come to her again.

Elmer was saying, “You might as well take advantage of what the hotel has to offer. At one time Fernhaven was famous for its healing waters. Have you seen the pools out back? They’re sheltered from the weather and the water is nice and warm. As for breakfast, just help yourself in the kitchen.”

Lexi started jumping up and down, wanting to go swimming.

“I guess we’re going swimming,” Jenna said, hoping to make the best of it for her sake. “We can raid the kitchen later.”

“I’m going to be checking the rest of the hotel to make sure there aren’t any problems,” Elmer said. “Make yourselves at home.” He seemed glad he wasn’t trapped here alone.

She stood at the door to the suite and watched him disappear down the hall. The hotel had seemed isolated before, but nothing like now. It was just the three of them and a cat and a rag doll. Part of Jenna wanted to curl up in the room and wait out the storm—and the opening of the road.

But one look at her daughter’s face told her that wasn’t possible. “Let’s get your swimming suit on.”

Jenna got them both ready to go to the pools. It felt strange as they rode down the empty elevator.

Lexi rushed off, excited. She didn’t seem to notice the brush of cold air as they exited the elevator.

“Wait a minute,” Jenna told her.

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