When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,64

ear was any indication. Hurrying to his side, Kirill pricked his finger on one of his fangs, allowing the wound to bleed before holding it against Arvyn’s lips.

“Take it beloved,” he murmured softly. “It’ll help you heal before you can shift.”

“Ra…?” Arvyn suckled on his finger, and no it wasn’t appropriate, but Kirill’s emotions were running high. His cock started to unfurl and plump up in his torn pants with every suck of Arvyn’s sweet mouth.

“A fight is inevitable,” Kirill kept his voice low, seething at Seth’s blatant attack.

“Help me up. I want to kill him. I don’t care how badly he’s hurting, I want to kill him.” Arvyn released Kirill’s finger from his mouth but kept holding it as Kirill gently lifted him from the floor so he could find his feet. “I guess that’s not possible when gods are involved.”

“No, and our precious Ra…” Kirill broke off as Ra turned to them, his head bent so as not to hit the ceiling.

“Please, Kirill, stay here. Take care of Arvyn for us both. This won’t take long.”

“Ra?” Kirill looked between Ra and Seth. Seth was also watching Ra, but Kirill couldn’t make out what the other god was thinking.

“Kirill, please.” Ra kept his voice soft. “The powers a god uses during a fight could kill you both. You’ll be safe in this house; you have my word. Trust me.”

Kirill swallowed hard, and then nodded. Beside him, Arvyn gave him a thumbs up, even though he winced as he did it. Damn, Arvyn needs to shift and fast.

“Kir,” Arvyn grabbed hold of his coat as soon as the two gods left the house. “We can’t let him face Seth alone. There was too much pain and rage in him. I can’t tell about gods, but I could tell that about him, that’s how strong his emotions are. I don’t know what he’ll do to Ra.”

“You heard what Ra said.” Kirill hated the idea as well. “Godly powers can kill us, and I doubt a fight between them two is going to involve throwing their fists around.” More like lightening bolts and fire balls.

“No, that can’t be right. Those powers shouldn’t be able to kill us at all,” Arvyn insisted. “When Ra claimed us, we became immortal just like him. Don’t you see? We have to be with him.”

This is the downside of having two mates. “Babe, we might be immortal, but we don’t have magic or powers like they do. Think for a minute. What did you feel from Ra when he agreed to fight that asshole?”

Arvyn was keeping his breathing slow. Kirill used his finger and swiped up the blood on the side of his head, licking that same finger clean. “He seemed resigned,” Arvyn said at last, glancing over at the window – not that there was anything to see. Kirill had already looked. “But you heard what Seth said. Ra doesn’t fight. He never fights.”

“I think he’s fighting for us.” Kirill shook his head. “Correction. I know he’s fighting for us, and if you think about it, it makes sense. In the shifter world, or in a vampire coven that’s what a mate or beloved would do when their claimed one has been insulted or manhandled. This is my fault… again. I should’ve been here. If I hadn’t got pissy about the idea of being pregnant and stormed off to do my tall, blond, and broody moment over at the cliff edge…”

“Tall, blond, and broody. You do that so well.” Arvyn chuckled. “Babe, this is not your fault, not this time. It was Seth’s, pure and simple. Whether you’d been here or not, he’d still have had attitude. He threw me against the wall. I didn’t say anything or do anything. It was like he was deliberately goading Ra to fight him. You don’t think… you don’t think they have challenges in the pantheons like they do in packs or covens, do you?”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that.” Kirill sighed. “I think the rankings among the ancients are pretty much set in concrete. It doesn’t matter what Seth does, Ra will still outrank him and probably still have more power than he does. I just wish he didn’t have the need to fight at all.”

“Seth started with his attitude the moment he arrived, insulting Ra for cooking and insisting I should be on the floor kissing the ground Ra walked on, instead of beating eggs in a bowl.”

“Ra wanted to cook?”

Arvyn grinned as he nodded. “He’s

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