When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,6

white and Cass stilled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Ra said firmly. “I’ve been taking care of myself a long time.” And this promises to be the most fun I’ve had in ages. Ra could barely contain his excitement, but after showing off his power, skipping out of the diner wouldn’t do his image any good.

Chapter Three

Kirill snarled, showing his fangs, the moment the door to his dank cell opened. “You can’t keep me imprisoned forever.” He rattled the chains around his wrists that were secured to the wall. “I’m older, faster, and more powerful than you will ever be and when I get out…”

“Oh, don’t go getting hot headed. You know your nasty temper gives me a headache.” Yakov, the coven second sauntered in, making sure to close the door behind him. Immaculately dressed, as always, the man oozed sleaze like an oil pump. Tugging at his cuffs, ensuring they were perfectly aligned with his rose-pink jacket, Yakov looked up and smiled, without fangs. “This is for your own good. You’re going to thank me for this one day.”

“Thank you?” Kirill roared, drowning out the clanking of his chains as he tried to break free. Just one more foot… one more foot and I’d have my hands around your scrawny neck. “You shot enough tranquilizers in me to kill an elephant, dragged me down here and chained me to the damn wall before I woke up. What should I be thanking you for – the fact you didn’t chop my head off while you were at it?”

“There you go again, spouting off all those wild ideas.” Yakov shook his head with a sigh. “Why would I want to harm the best coven master this coven has ever had? I’m devoted to you. You have the strength to keep us all safe, not to mention money and contacts to ensure we all thrive under your care. The whole coven wishes only the very best for you and are all praying you have a speedy recovery from your temporary lapse in judgement.”

“You told the coven I had a mental breakdown?” Kirill could barely get the words out from between his teeth.

Yakov looked shocked. “Not a breakdown, no. Heavens, then there’d be challengers coming out of the woodwork, trying to take over your territory, and we don’t want that, do we?”

“If it’ll get me off of this fucking wall, then I don’t care how many challenges I have to face.”

“Tut. Tut. Tut. See, there you go. Not thinking clearly again.” Yakov sighed. “No, the coven believe you are on holiday, taking a vacation. You haven’t had one in over ten years, so it’s perfectly understandable to everyone here, that you were long overdue for a rest. We’re all covering for you, making sure no one actually knows you’re not here…”

“I am here, damn it!” Kirill tugged on his chains so hard he felt a wrist bone snap.

“Well, technically no, you’re not. You’re in Bermuda. On holiday. Soaking up the sunshine and supping on luscious island maidens in between swimming and having afternoon naps. Everyone misses you, but they are so pleased you’re having a glorious time.”

Kirill’s eyes narrowed. “How long am I supposed to be on this wonderful holiday of mine?”

“Not much longer. Just long enough to make sure the wolf you lost your head over isn’t around to cause any further lapses in your judgment.”

“You promised me.” Kirill saw red, literally. “You gave me your word you wouldn’t go near him and you assured me you’d make sure none of the other members of this coven would touch a hair on that wolf’s head. He doesn’t know who I am, he didn’t get a chance to scent me or even come close to me. He doesn’t know…” …he’s my beloved. Kirill’s heart ached just thinking about the precious creature.

“No one in this coven has touched him.” Yakov checked the time on his gold Rolex. “However, for some reason a second wolf with a demon mate were being pushy about talking to you over the past few days, and the wolf you’re enamored with still hasn’t left the area. I did call in a few rogues to take care of the problem initially, but they’re proving totally useless. But no matter. Three of the finest mercenaries money can buy are arriving in town about… now.” He looked up from his watch again. “This issue should be neatly solved by the morning. The wolf won’t be harmed,” he added as Kirill’s growl got

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