When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,59

home, I promise.”

“Can I help? I don’t think I’ve ever cooked before.”

Oh, babe, you’ve missed out on so much living. “I insist on it.” Arvyn laughed as he wrapped Ra up in another hug. “So, when do you think we’ll know if any of us are pregnant?”

“If anyone’s going to know first it will be you,” Ra snuggled for a second longer. “You’re the one with the amazing nose and sharp ears. If anyone’s going to pick up on extra heartbeats it will be you or Kirill.”

“Awesome.” Arvyn made a mental note to have a good listen to his mates’ bellies, later when they didn’t have to worry about another god coming to visit. Imagine having children… his wolf’s tail was wagging at the idea.

Chapter Twenty

PREGNANT! Nope. There was no way, no matter how Kirill tried to come to terms with the possibility, that he could ever see himself happy about the idea. Sure, he knew what a blessing a vampire child was. Because they were such a long-lived species, children were rare and considered a real gift to a coven.

But males do not get pregnant. Stamping across the barren landscape, grateful for his jacket, Kirill mentally cursed everything and everybody, except his mates. His whole life – all six hundred plus years of it – there’d been core elements of life that didn’t change. The sun came up in the morning and went down in the evening. The tides came in and out as governed by the moon. He was a prince of his kind because of his age, wealth and power levels and if there were any children being born, they came from amazing women who had the fortitude and strength to go through childbirth. A male’s job, in that side of things was to pace the floors and give out overpriced cigars to his friends when the child took it’s first yell.

Fuck, it’s cold. Kirill dug his hands deeper into his coat pockets. He didn’t have a shirt. No, that was still lying in bits on the bedroom floor. Torn off at the sight of my two beautiful men… Thankfully, his boots were still in the living room where he’d left them. But his torn pants didn’t offer much protection against the chilly air, so the coat was something to be thankful for. Ra looking out for me again.

Standing on the cliff edge, the house behind him, Kirill looked out over the water. The day was overcast, the clouds a deep gray that promised rain later that afternoon. White caps contrasted with the deep blue water below and across the harbor, Kirill could make out small houses that already had their lights on even though it was close to midday. He sighed; the sound picked up by the wind that was whistling around his ears.

The thing was, Kirill knew in his heart his beloveds were perfect for him. He’d appreciated from the moment he saw him, how sexy Arvyn was with those rangy muscles and those beautiful blond highlights in his dark hair. Gorgeous facial features and well-trimmed facial hair… Arvyn was his perfect ideal to look at. But after the sex was done, he’d also proven to be a fun and remarkably insightful person to talk to, and Kirill needed that in his life. Arvyn didn’t bow to him or defer to him in any way. He treated Kirill like one of the lads, his equal, his mate, and Kirill loved that about his wolf. Arvyn’s sense of humor and his refreshing outlook on life made Kirill feel young again.

And then there was Ra. Kirill felt a flash of guilt as he thought about his special beloved. If Arvyn was the mate Kirill always hoped he’d have, Ra was the dream that sat in the corner of his mind and had done for years. Ra was an enigma wrapped up in a gorgeous body. In many respects, he was strong, ruthless, and decisive – just how Kirill liked to be. But there were other times when he could be sweet and sexy, quiet and submissive, which Kirill totally adored when his cock was hard. Pounding into his beloved’s sweet ass, knowing that Ra had the power to make him disappear in a blink of an eye was a kink Kirill didn’t know he had until now.

And then there’s the other side yet again… Kirill’s guilt was stronger this time. Ra as a god was powerfully strong. Ra as a man was sexy and sweet, but there

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