When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,31

own number.”

“Hmm,” Paulie’s voice sounded thoughtful and only slightly tinny. “Cloning of phones is not an acceptable task when dealing with Lord Zeus’s devices. Seth would be well advised to remember that all communications among the gods, and mortals interacting with gods are run through Lord Zeus’s extensive and highly complex systems.”

“It’s too late now. Seth’s already done it, Paulie.” Ra chuckled.

“This proves to be a dilemma. Lord Zeus does not take kindly to gods who use their own powers to disrupt his system – chaos could ensue. However, Lord Zeus also doesn’t allow for his devices to be harmed or disrespected in any way and that could well apply to cloned devices too. I must think.”

There was a long silence.

“Well?” Seth paced the floor. “Is he going to give me my own number or what?”

“You heard him. Paulie’s thinking.” Ra put his finger to his lips.

“I thought Paulie was an app, not the real person.”

“This app thinks. Now hush.”

Sure enough, Paulie’s voice came through again a moment later. “After some consideration, weighing up Lord Zeus’s displeasure at having his system disrupted, against the other option, which was to destroy the cloned device, and then factoring in the long history of distrust and animosity between Lord Zeus and the minor god Seth…”

“I am not a minor god! Am I going to get my number or not?” Seth waved his hands in the air.

“Yes, Seth.” Paulie’s voice sounded so frosty, Ra expected to see icicles on his phone. He marveled at how Zeus could create an independently thinking app that could also show emotion. “Lord Zeus would have no wish to spend any time with you on this matter. Your number will be issued within the next earth hour. Please refrain from using the device until such time as the new number has been set up. In the meantime, if you wish to share your new number with anyone, you may inform any contacts your handle slash username will be A-S-S-H-O-L-E, which in numerical terms is 2-7-7-4-6-5-3. All numbers on Lord Zeus’s system are prefixed by three zeros. Have a good day and all praise the almighty Lord Zeus and his beloved mate Paulie.”

The phone went quiet.

“He gave me the username asshole?” Seth’s voice rumbled like thunder, cutting across Ra’s laughter.

“Well, at least no one will wonder who it is when they call you.” Ra rolled over onto his side, laughing hysterically, his precious phone clutched in both hands. The laughing was a necessary front for Seth. Ra still had to find the courage to make some calls and he did not want Seth listening in.

Chapter Eleven

“This has to be one of the most amazing places I’ve ever seen.” Arvyn looked around at the homestead Cass had relocated them too. The trees, the clean air, it all appealed to the furry part of his soul, and the fact there were no sounds of machinery, cars or people yelling at each other was an added bonus. There was almost a mystical feel about the huge mountains that rose in the distance – it was a place truly touched by gods.

“It was Paulie’s idea, this place I mean.” Taking a quick look around, Wes headed for the porch. “He thought Zeus would enjoy raising horses, but Zeus wasn’t keen on having people around, so they just keep a few to ride. The rest of the land has been left to grow as nature intended, with wards up to keep any hunters or nosy neighbors from dropping in. Come on. Paulie is probably around the back.”

It wasn’t fully winter yet, but Arvyn appreciated his jacket as he and Kirill followed Wes and Cass around the huge porch towards the back of the house. Glimpses of the living spaces from the windows they passed reflected a warm and comfortable living style Arvyn hadn’t associated with the house of a god. He glimpsed a huge plush couch perfect for cuddling on in one room, a few books scattered on the coffee table in front of it, and a jacket slung carelessly over a matching armchair. A couple of toys on the rugs completed a picture of a loving home.

“I can’t believe how clean the air is out here and how peaceful everything is. We could have a home like this if you wanted,” Kirill whispered, taking his hand.

“Is this what your coven is like?” Arvyn didn’t remember seeing rolling hills, majestic mountains and beautiful valleys back in Kirill’s town.

“My coven is nothing like this,” Kirill growled.

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