When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,26

his gums. Kirill had never been bitten – no one would dare put their fangs near his precious veins - but this is the start of my new life. He tilted his neck, his body pressed firmly on the one beneath him, the word “equals” ringing in his brain.

My gods those are big teeth. Kirill’s hips went down as his shoulders fought to go up, but Arvyn was holding him in a death grip. One split second, just long enough for pain to register, and then Kirill felt his inner self roar. His balls erupted with a force he hadn’t felt since he was a teen and he suspected he yelled – Kirill never yelled during sex. Trying hard to slow down his breathing, Kirill relaxed his shoulders, his body feeling limp and perfectly satiated.

“Mate.” A definite croon this time. Arvyn had removed his fangs and was licking along the wound that would definitely scar. “Mine.”

“Bonded,” Kirill agreed, his body coming down from his rush hard. “So sorry. It’s been a long week. So sleepy.”

“Let me take care of you, babe.” Kirill was moved, slowly, carefully, onto the mattress. Oh, I have missed the feel of a mattress. He felt Arvyn moving off the bed but didn’t have the energy to protest. By the time Arvyn was back, and Kirill’s messy pants were being removed, Kirill was already falling asleep.


And somewhere in another realm, Ra did his best to feel good about his mates’ claiming of each other. He wasn’t aware he’d even feel it, and even though he knew a fast claiming was inevitable between paranormals, especially with what Kirill was yet to face, there was a part of Ra that ached deep inside.

I should’ve talked to them more.

Ra’s bed had never felt so lonely.

Did they even try to call me?

Ra had no way of finding out because Seth had probably sacrificed his phone on some pyre to some god of the djinn.

I was stupid, stupid, stupid.

Tears fell down his cheeks unchecked as Ra curled up in his bed, his heart and soul somewhere on earth, with two men who would be curled up with each other.

Immortality is hell without someone to share it with.

Chapter Nine

“You can’t go back to the coven yet.” Wes and Cass had turned up far too early in Arvyn’s opinion, with fresh clothes, takeout and coffee mugs in their hands. In a way it was a blessing because Arvyn’s morning wood was hard enough to pound nails and it was only the thought of Ra’s sadness that stopped him jumping his vampire. It was also a piss off. Kirill had spent a week chained to a freaking wall for fuck’s sake. The least he could’ve got was a sleep in. But apparently the scent of strong coffee was enough to tempt even an old vampire from out of the sheets.

“The coven is mine.” Kirill glowered over his bacon and egg sandwich. “I didn’t inherit it from anyone, I didn’t fight anyone for it, I built it, brick by brick, member by fucking member, laying claim to a territory no one has disputed since I set foot in town. I’m not going to let any weasel scare me from going back.”

“I do hope you’re referring to Yakov as the weasel,” Wes said pertly. “My precious demon is many things, but he don’t run on four legs.”

“Of course, I’m not talking about Cass.” Kirill didn’t lose his glower. “I’m talking about Yakov and I don’t care what the council wants, the gods want, or anyone else wants, Yakov’s not having my coven, and he’s not spending another fucking day with his head attached to his neck.”

Arvyn laid his hand on Kirill’s arm, hoping to soothe him. “Your possessive nature is a real turn on, babe, but maybe we can hear the reasons why Wes and Cass don’t want us going near the coven just yet, before we fight the hand that fed us this morning?”

Kirill sighed and patted his hand. “I haven’t given you much in this mating yet, beloved – I’ve taken more than I’ve shared. But I want to show you off, show you my home and pray you’d want to make it yours too. I worry if we keep flitting around…”

“Ra will find us no matter where we are,” Arvyn said quickly, understanding what was upsetting his vampire. “I mean, a god has got to have some powers, right, even if they’re not worshipped anymore?” He appealed to Wes and Cass.

“Ra will nearly

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