When the Stars Fall (Lost Stars #1) - Emery Rose Page 0,132

fumbling with the buttons of my jeans while I discarded my shirt on the floor.

“Dammit. When are you going to buy jeans with zippers?”

Pushing her hand away, I laughed and did it myself, shoving my jeans and boxer briefs down with my hands while she used her feet to assist me, still such an impatient one.

I crawled up her body and palmed her tits, guiding one rosy peak into my mouth and sucking on it. Her back arched off the mattress and she grabbed the back of my head, digging her fingers into my hair. I moved up to her mouth and kissed her long and hard, letting her taste herself on my tongue while I settled between her thighs, sliding my dick between her slick folds as she grinded against me.

“You’re so wet,” I said hoarsely, reveling in the feel of my cock cradled in her pussy again after all these years. “It would be so easy to slip inside you.”

“Do it.” Wrapping her legs around my back, she angled her hips just right, and I nudged my tip against her entrance. I wasn’t even inside her yet, just the tip, but it was heaven.

“What are you waiting for?” she taunted. “Give it to me. Now.”

“So greedy.” But I gave her what she asked for. In one sharp move, I thrust into her, causing her to cry out, and Jesus, she was so perfect I nearly wept like a fucking baby.

How had I lived without this, without her, for all these years? How?

Bringing my fingers down to where we were connected, I rubbed her clit until she was writhing beneath me, begging for more, harder, faster. I stroked in and out, harder, deeper, filling her up, spurred on by the tiny whimpers and moans and the little sounds she made when I fucked her.

I pulled back to watch her face as I drove in and out of her, and I could have come on this sight alone. Full lips slightly parted, porcelain skin bathed in moonlight and waves of dark hair tumbling around her shoulders, she was my every fantasy. Over the years, whenever I’d wanted to torture myself, I envisioned her like this. How many lonely nights had I jerked off to the vision of Lila in my head? Too many to count.

Her full tits bounced as she met me thrust for thrust, her head thrown back, exposing the column of her neck that begged to be marked by my lips and teeth.


I’d wanted to take my time with her but I couldn’t hold back. I needed this. I needed her. When her legs started shaking, I pulled her close and tucked my hand under her lower back, burying my face in her neck. I breathed her in. It was a scent I remembered from so long ago. Spring rain and honeysuckle. The scent of Lila.

“Fall apart for me, Lila,” I whispered in her ear, dragging my teeth down to her earlobe and biting down before I sucked on it to ease the sting.

“Oh my God. Yes, Jude,” she chanted into my ear as she clenched around my cock, milking an orgasm out of me that seemed to go on forever. I drove into her one more time, burying myself to the hilt as I spilled inside her and afterward, she wrapped her arms around my neck and held me close, skin against skin, limbs tangled and our bodies damp with sweat. I dipped my head and kissed her mouth. I never wanted to leave. I wanted to stay here in her arms, in her bed, inside her until the stars died and were reborn.

Finding my way back to Lila, being with her again like this, was worth a thousand deaths.

I was Odysseus. Her Odysseus. After all these long years of being shipwrecked, of fighting monsters and demons and losing battles, I had finally found my way home again. Only this time, I was home to stay.

“It’s been so long,” she said softly.

“Too long,” I agreed. Framing her face in my hands, I kissed her lips.

I love you. Only you.

Chapter Forty-Three


“Let me go,” I said, laughing, the Nerf football still clutched to my chest. “I have to check on the dinner.”

“The longer it simmers, the better it tastes. Sloooow burn, baby.” He gave me a playful smack on the ass before he released me but not before wrestling the football out of my hands and passing it to Noah who streaked across the back yard and tossed the

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