When Stars Collide (Chicago Stars #9) - Susan Elizabeth Phillips Page 0,11

combination, right? Is he still hot? That man was gorgeous.”

Olivia shot to her feet, dread pooling in her stomach. “Alyssa, I’m talking about Thad Owens. The football player who tried to rape you.”

Alyssa laughed. “God, Olivia. You knew that was bogus. Remember? I told you all about it.”

“You didn’t tell me any such thing!” Olivia exclaimed. “You said he backed you into the bedroom. Pinned you down. You came home crying. And you talked about it for weeks afterward.”

“I only cried because Kent walked in on us, and I only talked about it when he was around. Remember how suspicious he was. I can’t believe you’ve forgotten.” She pulled the phone away. “Hunter, stop it! Give me that!” She readjusted the phone. “Anyway . . . So I met Thad at a party just when Kent and I were getting serious. Kent went off to shoot pool or something, and Thad and I started talking. One thing led to another, and we were making out. Then Kent walked in on us, and I needed to come up with an excuse quick. I told you all that.”

“You didn’t tell me anything!” Olivia felt sick. “I tried to get you to go to the police.”

“Oh, yeah . . . Now I remember. I was afraid if I told you the truth, you’d tell Kent. You were always the righteous one.” Water ran in the background. “Here, Hunter. Have a drink.” The water shut off. “Can you believe I walked away from a chance at a relationship with Thad Owens because I didn’t want a loser like Kent to dump me?”

Olivia sank back down on the side of the bed and dug her hand into the mattress. “The only loser, Alyssa, is you.”

“What are you getting so upset about? It’s not like I accused him or anything.”

“You did accuse him. To me.”

“Did you say something to him?”

“Oh, yes. I said a lot.”


“Shit, indeed.” In her rush to judgment against Thad Owens, Olivia had forgotten that Alyssa could be both self-centered and manipulative. That was exactly why Rachel had never liked her. Olivia should have trusted her best friend’s opinion. She pressed her hand to her stomach. “False accusations have consequences, Alyssa. They make real rape victims afraid to speak out because they don’t think anyone will believe them.”

“Ease up, okay? Stop being so judgy.”

Olivia’s voice shook. “Wrong is wrong, and lying like you did is a betrayal of every woman who’s been assaulted.”

“Jesus, Olivia. You’re making too big a deal out of this. You always did think you were better than anybody else.”

“Good-bye, Alyssa. And lose my number.”

“Hey, you’re the one who called me.”

“It won’t happen again.”

* * *

Olivia was furious with herself. She hadn’t been thinking clearly for days, but that was no excuse for the way she’d attacked him. Some superhero she’d turned out to be. A crusader for justice? How about a dispenser of injustice. She’d known Alyssa wasn’t always reliable, and even drunk, she shouldn’t have attacked someone without verifying the facts. Adam was already on her conscience, and she didn’t need another transgression to add to her list of misdeeds. She had to apologize immediately.

She paced the living room waiting for him to get back from the gym. Eventually, the door opened. She tried to form exactly the right words, but before she could utter a single one, he’d strode past her as if she didn’t exist and disappeared into his bedroom.

She started pacing again. This was torturous. She pressed her ear to his door and heard the shower water stop running. She hurried to the closest couch, kicked off her flats, and picked up a magazine.

No one liked to admit when she’d been wrong, but this was a big wrong, and it had to be righted. Once this was over, she could only hope he didn’t believe in holding a grudge.

She tugged at the knee of her yoga pants, turned a page of the magazine without having read a word. His door finally opened.

When she’d seen him only as a sexual predator, his off-the-chart good looks had been an insult. But now? He wore a dark blue blazer, faded jeans, a gray T-shirt, and he might be the handsomest man she’d ever met. Thick dark hair, dazzling green eyes set off with dark brows and full lashes, cheekbones that hit the sweet spot between too sharp and too blunt. His top and bottom lips were perfect. If she’d been born with his looks instead of being saddled

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