When Love's Gone Country - By Merri Hiatt Page 0,8

it was only one-bedroom.”

“We were practically in the waterfall. Totally worth it.”

“I tell you what, we’ll go half and half. When you get your half together, let me know.”

Courtney scowled. “It would be much more romantic for you to pay for the whole thing and surprise me with it as a gift.”

Brad laughed. “Is that how it works?”


“I think this is my cue to go check on Diego.”

“Hey, we’re still negotiating here.”

“I think you’re done negotiating,” Bobby said.

“Are we gonna eat?” Jacob said.

“Yes, let’s head for the dining room. I found a map with the caves on it. I think we have time to explore two of them and still make it to the Double Y Ranch by sunset,” Meg said.

“I knew she’d figure out a way for us to do everything,” Purity said.

“I knew it, too,” Court said. “She’s a rock star.”

Chapter Six

With their bellies full, bladders empty and map in hand, the group headed down the trail marked Lover’s Leap.

“I don’t get it,” Jeremy said. “If they love each other, why are they jumping off a cliff?”

“‘Cuz they can’t be together,” Jacob said.

“So, why don’t they just go find someone else to be happy with?”

“Some people believe that there’s only one true love for each person. They could search the entire world and never find someone else they would ever love as much.”

“Like you and Dad?”

Bobby put his hand around Meg’s waist and pulled her close. “Exactly. I’ll never love anyone else like I love your mom.”

Jeremy stared at them for a moment. “But you wouldn’t kill yourself if you couldn’t be together, right?”

Bobby shook his head. “No. I might feel like killing myself, though.”

“Do you think our original Mom and Dad love each other like you guys do?”

“You mean your biological parents?” Meg asked.

Jeremy shook his head.

“Probably, in their own sort of twisted way.”

“Those two don’t have the capability of loving anyone but themselves,” Courtney said.

Meg shot her a scowl.

“Just sayin’. I know we’re all supposed to turn the other cheek and all that, but I wouldn’t turn my back on those two if you paid me.”

“Hey, look,” Purity said. “There’s supposed to be a cave behind the waterfall. It’s closer than Lover’s Leap, too.”

Everyone gathered around the map to get a good look.

“The crossroad is just ahead,” Alex said.

“It’s called Atonga Falls Rendezvous. Sounds like Chief Atonga and Marion Little Bear knew about the cave.”

“And used it to their advantage,” Courtney said with a tilt of her eyebrow and a curve of her lips.

“To attack someone or hide from the tribe?” Jeremy asked.

“No. She means sex,” Jacob said.

“Grown-ups are always talking about sex.” Jeremy shrugged. “Most girls are stupid and I don’t want any of them touching me.”

“I have a feeling you’ll change your mind in a few years,” Bobby said.

“No, I won’t. Me and Jacob are gonna be bachelors forever.”

“Where did you learn that word?” Court asked, as they began walking toward the falls.

“This show on t.v. Two guys said they’d had it with women and all their games and they were going to be bachelors forever. I think it means no more women for them. I’m all for that.”

“No more women? What about me? I’m a woman.”

“We’re friends, that’s different.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Courtney winked at Meg. She would have a good time ribbing Jeremy about this conversation when he was head-over-heels in love with some girl.

“Do you need to rest for a minute?” Alex asked Purity.

“No. I’m good.”

“How many times a day does he ask you that?” Courtney said.

“About fifteen.”

“You guys are so cute, I really do want to puke.”

“Do it over there.” Pure pointed to some bushes thirty yards to the right. “The smell would make me want to puke and I get nauseous enough.”

When they reached the falls, the boys raced ahead to find the trail.

“Careful boys,” Bob said. “Stay on the path.”

“We will,” they said in unison.

A few moments later they were running back to the group. “There’s no way to get behind the waterfall. The map is wrong.”

They all looked at the map again.

“Wait,” Purity said. “There’s a question mark by that big rock. What do you suppose that means?”

“A clue!” Jeremy shouted, then ran toward the rock. Jacob ran past him, then waited for him to catch up.

“It’s a riddle,” Jacob said. “Magic words, there are but three. Spoken aloud, reveal to thee. A path most will never see. When eyes are blind, you truly see.”

“The only magic words I know are please and thank you,” Jeremy

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