When Love's Gone Country - By Merri Hiatt Page 0,52

hear Courtney trying to breathe. She was the one who went into the river after you. She grabbed your shirt and pulled you down river. Both of you almost drowned.

We put you in the back seat of the golf cart and laid your head on Purity’s lap. She was holding onto you to keep you on your side. She touched your face because you looked so pale.

You did go for a ride in a helicopter. That’s how you got to the hospital.”

“I missed that? I’ve always wanted to ride in a helicopter.”

“Maybe you’ll get another chance,” Bobby said.

“The nurse says he’s doing so well, she won’t be surprised if he’s discharged tomorrow,” Meg said.

“I’ve been walking the halls already. If I can do that here, they might as well let me do it at home. I hate hospitals.”

“Everybody does,” Meg said. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

Chapter Thirty

Two days later, both Courtney and Jacob were packing up their belongings along with the rest of the group.

“I really wish you’d reconsider and stay for the rest of your vacation,” Frank said. “There was so much you didn’t get to see or do.”

“We appreciate that, Frank, really we do, but we need to be home,” Meg said.

“The least we can do is refund your money after all you’ve been through,” Emma said.

“We learned a lot,” Alex said. “I don’t think any of us feel like we need a refund. You keep it.”

“Maybe you can use it to run background checks on your employees,” Courtney said, rubbing Diego’s head and then kissing him. “Glad to see you’re getting your spunk back.”

Diego’s tale wagged frantically.

“Well, at least come visit some time,” Emma said. “We grew very fond of you.”

“We feel the same way,” Meg said, giving Emma a hug and then Frank. “I’ve got your e-mail and your phone numbers, so we’ll keep in touch.”

“Pure and I will be back for Charlie and Jessica’s wedding in October,” Alex said. “We may be able to talk everyone into coming back with us. I know Jacob has a hankering to ride in your helicopter again, this time when he can remember it.”

Hugs and handshakes were exchanged all around, then Emma and Frank left the ranch hand quarters.

“It’s going to feel so good to be home again,” Purity said. “I’m not telling anyone we’re coming back early. It will be like a vacation from our vacation.”

“We could actually take a vacation from our vacation,” Alex said.

“Do you have something in mind?”

“Moon Spirit Lodge is right on the way home. I could call and reserve a tree house for a few days.”

“Oh, Alex, that’s a great idea. I wanted to explore the area more and I didn’t get to see one of the tree houses by the waterfall.”

“They were amazing,” Meg said. “It’s like you were in the waterfall itself. You’ll love it.”

“Sound like a good idea to you, Meg?” Bob asked.

“I’d really rather just go home. I know I sound like a spoilsport, but I’ve always been a homebody. I like vacations, but the best part for me is always coming home. Plus, Jacob is still healing. I can’t imagine it would be easy for him to climb all those stairs.”

“Of course. I wasn’t thinking. Besides, we’re always saying we want to spend more time together. This is the perfect opportunity to do just that.”

“Should I ask you if you’d like to stay at Moon Spirit Lodge?” Brad asked.

“I don’t know. Do you want to stay there?” Court asked.

“I think it’s a bit spendy.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“I’ll give you that.”

“But, truth be told, I can’t wait to leave the ranch. I am dying to get my fingers in some paint and get some of this angst I feel toward Red out of my system.”

“You think I could do that, too?” Jacob said.

“Anytime you want. My paints are your paints, or clay or water color or whatever medium you want to use. Day or night, my door is always open. Even if you don’t want to paint. If there’s a time when you want to talk or just sit and be quiet, you’re always welcome.”

“It’s not a bad idea for all of us,” Meg said.

“I don’t know if there’s enough paint to express my anger,” Alex said.

“I have to agree,” Bob said. “I think I’d need to use clay, so I could smash it and pound it and beat on it.”

“I didn’t know all you guys had feelings like that,” Jacob said. “What do you do with them when you can’t

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