When Love's Gone Country - By Merri Hiatt Page 0,29

Kid’s Place men’s locker room.”

“You were knee-deep in water in your suit trying to stop those toilets from spewing water everywhere.”

“Never did think to shut off the water valve. I said then that you were a good man to have around. I see it still holds true today.”

“I was going to call you one of these days.”

Alex raised his eyebrows. “About what?”

“How you become a board member.”

Alex swallowed the emotional lump lodged in his throat. He had been concerned that Charlie would end up as another statistic. The Kids’ Place was intended to be a safe place for kids to hang out, rather than spending their time on the street getting into trouble. For Charlie it had worked just that way. And now he wanted to give back.

“I just need you to fill out a form. We’d be lucky to have you as a board member.”

“I’m going to be working here at the Double Y. Is that going to be a problem?”

“Shouldn’t be. We prefer board members to be local, but you’re only a few hours away. I think we can make an exception.”

“If I can just help one kid like me, it’ll be worth it.”

“I couldn’t be happier for you, Charlie. I can’t wait to tell Purity.”

“She almost blew my cover this morning.”

“I thought something funny was going on, but I was still half asleep and my body ached everywhere.”

“You need to go to the hot springs. They say there’s some kind of miracle in the water there. Cures all kinds of things, including sore muscles.”

“Where is it?”

“Have you been down to the wheat fields?”

Alex shook his head.

“Have Sam show you where they are. There’s a forest right behind them. It’s right in the middle of all the trees. There aren’t any signs or anything.” He leaned closer and whispered, “We’re not really supposed to talk about it. It’s some big secret. But everyone at the ranch knows about it.

Did you ever notice how young Frank and Emma seem? They’re in their seventies, yet you’d never know it to look at them. They can outwork any of the hands. They’re the first ones up and the last ones to bed. I’m telling you, there’s something in the water.”

“I’ll check it out.”

“Don’t talk about it when anyone’s around. And, if you get caught over there, you didn’t hear about it from me.”


“It’s really good to see you again, Alex.”

“You, too, Charlie.”

Alex made his way back to the stables where he was promptly given the dirty deed of stall cleaning. “How come Purity gets to walk the horses and I get to clean up after them?”

“Purity was here on time, ready to work,” Sam said.

Alex glanced from one woman to the other. “I’m outnumbered. I think I’ll just shut up.”

“Wise choice.”

“Hey, Sam, Charlie told me about a hot springs over by the wheat field. Do you know where that is?”

Samantha looked around to see if anyone had overhead his words. “I know it. No one talks about it. Mums the word. Meet me at ten by the fire pit and I’ll show you the way.”

“What’s all this about a hot springs?” Purity asked.

“I’ll fill you in later,” Alex said. “Charlie’s engaged.”

“I know! Isn’t it fabulous? Sam’s his fiancé.”


“Thank you.”

“I didn’t ask you if you’d set the wedding date yet,” Pure said.

“We have. October twentieth. We’re getting married here at the ranch.”

“Oh, how perfect.”

“You’re both invited, of course. We’ll be sending out invitations closer to the date.”

“We wouldn’t miss it,” Alex said.

Chapter Eighteen

“We should tell them,” Purity whispered to Alex at breakfast.

“We’re not even supposed to know. What if it’s some little muddy hole in the ground? We should check it out first. If it’s as good as Charlie says, then we’ll bring everyone.”

“But everyone is in so much pain. If this will make them feel better, we shouldn’t make them wait.”

“What are you two talking about?” Courtney said. “The good juice is always whispered. Speak up so we can hear it.”

“They’re not drinking juice,” Jeremy said.

“She means gossip,” Jacob said.

“I thought gossip was bad.”

“It is.”

“It’s not always bad. You can learn a lot from gossip,” Court said.

“You’re not interested in learning a lot,” Brad said. “You just want to know everything.”

“Exactly. So spill.”

“Spill the juice!” Jeremy shouted.

“Spill the juice!” they all began to chant.

“All right.” Alex broke first. “There may be a miracle hot spring on the ranch that can alleviate pain.”

“Sign me up!” Meg said.

“You weren’t going to tell us?” Courtney asked.

“Alex thought it was a good idea to check

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