When Love's Gone Country - By Merri Hiatt Page 0,1

Mom, what’s up?”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah. We’ve only been gone five seconds, how could anything be wrong?”

“Just checking. If you need us for anything, just call.”

“I know Mom. We’re fine.”

“I love you, honey.”

“I love you, too.”

“Here.” Jacob handed Courtney the phone. “She’s already worried about us.”

“It’s her job, she’s the mom.”

“She ought to know we’re safe with you guys.”

“Remember California? She has reason to worry. It scared her. It scared us all. We never want anything like that to ever happen again,” Court said.

“It won’t,” Jacob said. He put his hand in his jacket pocket and felt the cool metal beneath his fingers. “It’ll never happen again.”

“I’m just glad they’re all behind bars and we can put it all where it belongs, in the past,” Brad said.

“Can we stop for a snack?” Jeremy asked.

“We just had breakfast,” Courtney said.

“I’m a growing boy.”

Court burst out laughing. “Nice try. You can have a snack in Alene. Unless something drastic happens, this van ain’t stoppin’ until we get there.”

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders and he and Jacob went back to surfing the internet on the iPad.

“Do you have the map?” Brad asked.

“Are you kidding? Meg practically sent me two inches of information about the ranch. I’ve got directions, history and profiles of the staff. I mean, I know she likes to be informed and organized, but she could work for the CIA.”

“So, do you have the map?”

“Yes, I have the map. Here.”

“It’s highlighted and color coded.”

“It’s Meg, did you expect anything less?”

“You got another message, Court,” Jacob said. “It’s from Purity.”

“Thanks.” Courtney tapped on the message, but didn’t say anything as she read it.

“Everything okay?” Brad asked.

“They’re getting a late start. Morning sickness. The timing of this vacation couldn’t have been worse for Pure.”

“I don’t know. Maybe all the fresh air will do her good. Do the baby good, too.”

“That’s a nice thought.”

“I’ve always thought it would be great to live on a ranch: milking cows, gathering eggs, fixing fence posts—”

“Swimming in the pond, sitting around the fire and having a real brick oven that you cook everything in.”


“Well, we’re about to find out if the dream is as much fun in real life as it is in our imagination.”

Chapter Two

“The boys are gonna kill us, you know?” Meg said as she pulled her hair through a thick dark green scrunchie and pulled it tight.

“They wanted to go with Court and Brad.”

Meg giggled. “Only because you didn’t tell them you were renting a convertible.”

“They didn’t ask.”

Meg nudged Bobby with her arm. “You’re incorrigible.”

“You complaining about spending time alone with me?” His hands slid around her waist and he pulled her close, placing soft kisses along her neck.

“Me, complain? Never.”

“I figure since we’re leading the pack, we might take a little scenic detour.”

“Really?” Meg tilted her head, enjoying the feeling of her husband’s lips on her skin. “What’d you have in mind?”

“The Grand Tetons.”

“We’re not going anywhere near Wyoming.”

“And the deep caverns.”

“Where are there… oh. Oh. Hmm… this trip is taking an interesting little twist already.”

“We should get going, so we’ll have time to explore.” Bobby raised his eyebrows as a mischievous glint brewed in his eyes.

“Bobby Zyetta! You are so bad.”

“Don’t even try to feign that good girl stance with me. I know better.” He lowered his hands until he had a firm grip on her butt, then squeezed hard.

“Using my own ass as a weapon against me. Why I oughta—”

Bobby’s mouth stopped her words as she returned his fervent kiss. Meg felt her shoulders go limp and her back arch as the heat intensified.

The ring of Meg’s cell phone brought them both back to reality with a harsh bump.

“Let it ring.”

“It could be the boys.”

“They’re with Brad and Court, they’re fine.”

“I better check.”

Bobby released his hold and Meg stepped away from his embrace, her legs feeling a bit like a fawn taking its first steps. He held her hand to keep her steady.

“It’s Courtney.” Meg answered the call.

“Sorry to bother you, but Jeremy wants to talk with you.”

“Put him on.” Meg looked at Bobby and mouthed Jeremy.

Bobby closed the distance between them so he could hear the conversation.

“Hey, Mom. Jacob says since Diego has been sitting with his butt in his face for fifteen minutes, we should make him switch. That’s not fair. I didn’t tell Diego to put his butt in Jacob’s face, he just wanted to.”

“Isn’t there room for Diego to sit without his butt being in anyone’s face?”

“Maybe. Mom says to make room for Diego to sit in the seat.”

Jacob tried to

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