When He's An Alpha (The Olympus Pride #2) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,131

came to tell you that, well …” She paused and lifted her chin. “I’ve decided to leave the pride. Again. I’ve already packed my things and booked a flight for later today. I don’t feel that I could be happy here.”

The words “Bon Voyage” were on the tip of his tongue. While he wouldn’t wish the dangers of a lone shifter lifestyle on anyone—not even her—he couldn’t say he was disappointed that she planned to leave. Particularly because Havana would feel more comfortable if the woman wasn’t around. Plus, he’d never fully trust Ashlynn to be loyal to him, his mate, or the pride. His cat would be glad to see the back of her.

“I don’t have to warn you that being a loner isn’t easy and comes with a lot of risks—you’ve already lived that lifestyle once,” said Tate. “If you’re fine with taking those risks and this is what you want, fair enough.”

She looked at him, her face lined with sadness. “You really don’t care if I go, do you? Understandable, I guess. I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve accepted that you’ve moved on. Still, it’s hard to know that someone I love—someone who was once open to mating with me—doesn’t care one iota about me now.” She worried her lower lip. “I really did hugely mess up, didn’t I?”

Several times, but Tate saw no point in discussing it.

“I hope one day you’ll stop hating me.”

“I don’t hate you, nor am I holding a grudge. If you hadn’t messed up the way you did, I probably wouldn’t be mated to Havana right now.”

She winced but then nodded. “Right. Good. Still, I’m sorry for everything, Tate. I’d like to apologize to Havana before I leave.”

“I doubt she’ll think it’s necessary.”

“You mean she won’t care if I’m sorry. I’d still like to apologize.”

He was about to repeat that it wasn’t necessary, but then his mate came up behind him and said, “I’ll hear her out.”

Hell, Tate hadn’t even heard Havana descend the stairs, let alone sense her creep close. The woman would keep him on his toes for sure. Although he didn’t like his mate being so close to this woman he didn’t trust, he stepped aside. As Havana sidled up to him, he slid his arm around her waist to cup her hip.

Straightening her shoulders, Ashlynn cleared her throat and forced a smile for Havana. “I’d congratulate you on your mating, but you’d know it to be false, and there’s no sense in insulting your intelligence or mine. Still, I hope you appreciate how lucky you are to have found your mate and claimed him. That doesn’t always work out as it should. Anyway … I came to tell Tate that I’m leaving the pride today. Which I’m sure will come as a relief to you. Before I go, though, I wanted to …” A slyness slid over Ashlynn’s face. “Challenge you. I wanted to challenge you.”


Outrage tore through Tate. He growled, and his furious cat sliced out his claws. The enforcers on the porch cursed and shot Ashlynn looks of disgust. Havana? Well she just sighed and scratched the side of her head.

Flexing his fingers, Tate glared at Ashlynn. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Don’t think I came here under false pretenses,” said Ashlynn. “I meant the things I said to you, Tate. I truly did. But I’m not leaving here without paying her back for what she did to me at the Tavern.”

“It was you who started that shit.” Snarling, Tate made a move toward her. But then his mate’s arm shot out in front of him, acting as a barrier.

“Where do you want to do this?” Havana asked her, sounding as bored as she looked.

Ashlynn shrugged one shoulder. “We might as well do it on the lawn.”

“Works for me,” said Havana.

Ashlynn turned and stepped off the porch.

When Havana went to follow, Tate curled his hand around her arm. “Baby—”

“No, Tate, don’t ask me to ignore her challenge,” said Havana.

“I do not want that bitch touching you again.”

Her expression solemn, Havana rested her hand on his chest. “I know it goes against the grain for you to stand back while someone tries to hurt me, but I can’t turn down this challenge without looking weak. An Alpha can’t afford to appear weak. You know that. And, well, I’ll be honest with you—I’m going to enjoy this.”

Bailey and Aspen came out of nowhere and appeared at the base of the porch steps—he hadn’t even sensed them leave

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