When Darkness Ends (Moments in Boston #3) - Marni Mann Page 0,99

kept me alive.” Her voice turned even softer. “There were times I wanted to end it. Times I could have forced him to.” She shook her head, tears dripping with each pass. “But I would think of you and Gran, and I couldn’t do it.”

I wiped the drops that fell from her chin and the new ones that formed under her eyes. “Pearl …”

Her lips were quivering. Her chest more labored as the tears increased.

“I want to hug you.”

“Please.” She nodded. “Hurry.”

My arms circled around her, and I lifted her into the air, holding her body against mine. I’d been close to her over the last nine weeks, but this was the first time she’d been in my arms since I’d carried her out of Little’s house.

My hands pressed into her back, her spine no longer protruding now that she had more meat on her bones. And as I held on, I buried my face in her neck, pieces of her wet hair tickling me.

But there was something else.

Something so strong that grabbed ahold of me immediately.

It was her scent.

The cinnamon.

“I’ll never forget that day,” she whispered. “There was the sound of heavy footsteps above. The pounding and sawing followed, filling my head with so many questions. The door unlocked, and then suddenly, you were there. A moment. And I knew this was … when darkness ends.”

A pain tore through my chest, one that shot into my throat and grew with each breath. “I’ve waited so long to do this.” I felt a wetness move through my eyes and lids, and something broke from inside my throat. And with each inhale, the smell of her grew even stronger. “I never lost hope that I would find you again.” I squeezed tighter, feeling her arms do the same around me. “N-never.”




Five and a half months later, and the hole in my chest was becoming lighter. I wasn’t seeing the world in hot-pink tones or wearing rainbow-colored glasses, but the darkness was lifting, and life was starting to make a bit more sense.

Ashe always mentioned when he saw a new change in me.

I was noticing them too.

I would wake when the sky was still dark and open the blinds, going out onto his small balcony with a mug of coffee to watch the sun rise. I wouldn’t squint when the brightness hit my eyes. I wouldn’t use my arm as a visor either.

I would let the luster and warmth melt into my body. Tasting the freedom. Even if that came with decisions and emotions—I was learning to handle both a little more each day.

But I wasn’t doing it alone. Ashe was still here, holding my hand, so incredibly patient with me. There was no pressure, just an ease and rhythm that we had fallen into.

An understanding.


But we knew there was healing that had to be done first, trust that I needed to rebuild in my heart, scars that needed more mending, and he was giving me the time and space for that.

Still, we had so much fun together, especially on his days off. Even though each hour was arranged into a schedule, Marlene thought an important part of my recovery was spontaneity, and she encouraged Ashe to surprise me with adventures, knowing he would always respect my boundaries.

He had one planned for today, and as much as I wanted to let him sleep in, that wasn’t usually possible the moment I got into the kitchen since his bed was the couch. But I was craving the taste of coffee, so I quietly opened the bedroom door and was shocked to see he was already up. The blinds were open, just the way I liked to arrange them, and I could smell coffee coming from the kitchen.

He tapped the spot next to him on the couch. “You have to see this.”

I hurried over, and once I took a seat, he spread his blanket over my lap. While we faced the large balcony doors, the sun started to lift.

“Beautiful,” I whispered.

He waited until it got farther in the sky before he broke the silence. “I was thinking of taking a drive today. Would you be up for that?”

“You usually don’t ask.”

“It’s a bit of a long one, and it would require a stay in a hotel. You’ve never slept anywhere but here, so I want to make sure you’re comfortable with the plan.” Before I could say anything, he added, “I checked with Marlene; she knows all about it and has given me her

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