When Darkness Ends (Moments in Boston #3) - Marni Mann Page 0,25

touched, her skin felt like velvet down here. And each inch I swiped, her breathing changed, and her kiss deepened.

I rose higher until I felt the wire under her bra, my thumb tracing the lace.

Every one of her exhales ended in a moan, especially when I skimmed across her nipple. The hardness formed a peak, and I grazed over it, cupping her tit in my palm.

I’d seen hints of her body in her work outfit, but I hadn’t expected her to feel so perfect in my hands. How each bit of her that I felt caused my dick to throb, growing harder to the point where I thought it would burst through my jeans.

Her breaths were vibrating through me, the taste of her on my tongue and the feel of her pressed against me becoming too much to bear.

With all the strength I had left, I pulled back, pressing my nose to hers. I panted while my lungs screamed, my body aching for more. I gripped her waist, holding her steady, waiting for this sensation to calm down.

When I leaned back a little more, I saw the same fight in her. The same breathlessness. The same need, churning like a thunderstorm.

Pearl …

In that moment, I knew I’d done the right thing.

Diving my face between her legs wasn’t going to get her to trust me. She needed to know I was different. That I was here for a reason that had nothing to do with her body.

My actions were the only thing that would show her that.

I pulled her shirt down until it was in line with her jeans, and I flipped her around, hauling her back against my chest, wrapping my arm around her. I tucked my face into her neck, and I took in her scent as I held our bodies together.

“Sleep well, Pearl.”

“You … too.”

It took her several minutes to relax, but the tightness eventually left her, and the moment her breathing changed, I knew she was asleep.

My alarm wasn’t going off for an hour, and for the next sixty minutes, I had no intention of letting her go.



The blindfold took my vision away. Something rough and ball-like had been shoved into my mouth, stopping me from screaming. My hands were tightly tied behind my back, the rope burning my skin.

All I wanted was to see.


Use my hands to rip and claw.

And fight.

But I had been plucked off the street and thrown inside a vehicle.

The feel of the road, normally something that soothed me, felt like needles stabbing beneath my nails. Each bump made it even harder to breathe. Tears dripped, soaking my cheeks, as anxiety gnawed at the rest of my body.

Who is this man?

Why did he abduct me?

Where the fuck is he taking me?

And how the hell do I get out of here?

One minute, I had been walking to grab a snack from the twenty-four-hour bodega down the street. The next thing I knew, something was placed over my mouth, stopping me from shouting, and I was being lifted into the air and tossed inside the back of a van.

That was when he had taken my sight away and shackled me.

When my senses were suddenly on overdrive.

Fear was eating at me, as though I’d never fed it any food before.

I kicked what I thought was the door, wishing for it to open, but it didn’t budge. I kicked again, wiggling to the other side to try that wall, and turned more to attempt again. Something had to open. To pop. For a burst of light or air to rush through.

But nothing.

Just the steady hum of the road.

I didn’t know how far we had gone—seconds felt like years—but there was slowness.

And then a stop.

I sucked in a breath as the engine turned off. A car door quietly opened and shut. Feet softly shuffled across what sounded like pavement. Keys jingled as they hit together, and finally, there was the swish of air I’d been waiting for.

But it had come because of him, not from me.

My body tightened as I waited for what was going to happen next.

“Kerry …” His voice was like a cough, a hundred packs of cigarettes burning the back of his throat.

I’d never heard him before tonight, but I still tried to place him, digging through my memory. For a time. A place.

“My sweet, beautiful Kerry …”

Tears soaked in through my lips, my mouth now filled and salty. Even my fingernails were quivering, as though they were loose in my fingers.

A sob came shuddering

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