What Part of Marine Don't You Understand - By Heather Long Page 0,15

Brothers.” He could barely remember the words, but the playfulness in her voice had captivated him, the shine in her eyes and the way she bobbed her head to the rhythm she’d created reminded him of boot camp, to hard work, pride, and hope.

“That’s totally about my brothers.” She laughed. “All four of them.”

“You mentioned Brent earlier.”

“Yep.” She retrieved her beer and crossed one ankle over the other. “Brent, Charlie, David, and Toby. Toby’s my twin. Brent’s retired, but he still teaches, and he just got elected to Congress last year. Charlie’s overseas in the 5th Expeditionary Force, he does recon and communication set up. David’s in Egypt, and Toby’s somewhere in the South Pacific doing a float.”

Four older brothers—the thought might have discouraged him a few years ago. “And all Marines?”

“Every single one of them.” She laughed. “I miss them like crazy, but they’re all doing what they want to be doing. There was only ever one true downside to their calling….”


“Have you ever tried to date with four brothers who intimidated the hell out of anyone asking you?” She grinned. “Or worse, had a crush on a Marine who knew your brothers and your father and dropped you squarely into the off limits category?”

Despite his reservations, he couldn’t help but grin. “No, ma’am. My brothers let me date whomever I choose.”

“Funny.” She made a face and took another drink. Everything fascinated him, even the movement of her graceful throat when she swallowed. It awakened a whole new level of need inside him. Eyes front, Marine.

“Of course, I don’t know your brothers.”

Delight and relief twinkled in her eyes. “I know.”

“Or your father.” The ledge got closer. She drifted her fingers across his hand where it rested on Jethro and awareness stormed through his system.

“Are you asking me out, Matt?”

His gut tightened and he took the plunge “Yes.”


“Yeah?” Surprise and delight surfaced above the anxiety and the fist squeezing his heart eased.

“Oh, yeah. I love hanging out with you.”


Present tense.

It took every ounce of restraint not to give a fist bump. He turned his hand over, catching hers and holding it. “Me, too.”

They talked about all the movies they could watch, but neither turned on the television. Instead, they ate pizza and switched from beer to water, and talked. The conversation wandered over a dozen different topics from music, to Marines, to moms at home, and plans. Matt brought up the possibility of going to school, using his benefits to finish a college degree. His hesitance warned her he might be playing with the idea, but didn’t have a lot of confidence in it.

It neared midnight when he finally rose. “I should go.”

“It’s still early,” she protested with a yawn.

“That’s the fourth time you yawned and you’re tired.” Once he pointed it out, she noticed the shadows under his eyes but she didn’t want him to go. Rising, she grabbed the plates and he helped her clean up. It bought a few more minutes.

“I had fun tonight.”

“Me, too.” He stuffed the empty box into the trash and pulled the sack out, sealing it closed.

He’s going to take it out for me…. “You don’t have to do that.” Putting a hand to his chest, she tipped her head to look at him. Up close, he was so much taller than she.

“I want to.” He covered her hand with his and her belly quivered. A few days of spending time together and then an evening and she didn’t want it to end.

“I had fun tonight.”

“You said that already.” Indulgence softened the tease in his voice and heat warmed her face.

“I guess I did.” Let him go…. “Tomorrow? Same time in the park?”

“Yeah, I’d like that.” He squeezed her hand and let her go. She backed away and he circled around her. “Come on, Jethro, let’s let Naomi sleep.”

The dog stretched his way off the sofa and trotted over. Matt clipped his leash on and glanced at her. “Lock the door, okay?”

“Yes, sir.” She laughed.

“Thank you.”

It closed softly behind him and she leaned against the wood. They shared pizza, but the reluctance to say goodnight didn’t pass even with his exit. Just go to bed, you silly girl. A knock hit the wood before she could turn the deadbolt. Glancing through the peephole, she saw Matt waiting on the other side. She reopened the door with a questioning look.

“You didn’t lock it.” He frowned.

“I was just about to. Did you forget something?”

“Yeah.” He slid a hand around to cup her nape, tugged her

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