What Fire Dragons Treasure - Cristina Rayne Page 0,29

nothing here. Maybe Briana’s agreement to honor her wish hadn’t made that fact clear to Amber. If so, then it was no wonder that she seemed so conflicted by her attraction to him.

Or—her anxiety could stem from a reason he, as a Draknos, couldn’t possibly fathom. How many times had he watched a Terran movie or TV show where a Terran character’s actions had been completely incomprehensible? Thus, it would be the epitome of arrogance to think he understood Terrans from watching their fictional stories or his brief social interactions with three Terran women.

Raphek suddenly lamented the absence of his best friend and his rather blunt advice, but Airon wasn’t due to report to the king for another couple of weeks. Maybe Sevek would—

He was instantly drawn out of his thoughts at the sight of one of his guards-brothers that was normally assigned to the king’s Guard standing directly in his path in the center of the lift chamber. Eosien was wearing an alarmingly dire expression.

“Trouble?” Raphek asked when he reached the other.

Eosien’s eyes glanced briefly at Briana before replying in Draknar, “Apparently, a Terran senator is currently raising a ruckus regarding your Terran ward over various Terran medias. The king wishes to see you both in the council chamber with all haste.”

A growl threatened to rise from his throat, but Raphek managed to keep it behind his teeth. He was keenly aware of Matty staring up at him, and he didn’t want to inadvertently scare the boy.

“Do me a favor and deliver these to my home, and much thanks,” Raphek said, thrusting their purchases into Eosien’s hands.

Eosien nodded. “Of course, guards-brother.”

Raphek turned to Amber. “A problem regarding Senator Johnson has just arisen. The king is waiting for us.”

Amber’s wary expression instantly turned to one of alarm as fear inundated her scent. “What happened?”

He shook his head. “We’ll soon find out.” He glanced down at Matty and frowned. “I know the little one is tired. I would suggest leaving him with Emma, but she’s currently teaching a class.”

“Emma’s probably the only one he would stay with right now,” Amber agreed as she picked up Matty and balanced him onto her hip. “He had a pretty long nap earlier, so I think he’ll be fine.”

They hurried to the royals’ designated lift and were outside the council chamber within minutes. The smell of Amber’s fear hadn’t lessened a bit. It awakened his protective instincts a thousand-fold. He wanted nothing more than to draw them both into the fold of his arms and growl in warning to any who approached. Instead, he grit his teeth and settled on placing a hand gently onto Amber’s shoulder as he guided her into the chamber once they had been announced.

Seated at the head of the long conference table was, of course, the king. Four of the other seats were taken by Queen Izot, Prince Ansel, Prince Astaron, and Princess Briana. All of them had a tablet resting on a stand before them. Things really must be dire for all these royals to be present.

Raphek bowed deeply to them, and Amber hastily dipped her head as well. She was visibly trembling.

“I’m glad Eosien was able to locate you so quickly. Please, sit,” the queen said, gesturing to a couple of empty seats next to Briana.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Raphek said.

He pulled out a seat for Amber and Matty before he took the one next to Briana. Amber’s anxiety was almost tangible, but she still offered the royals a quiet “thank you” as well before she sat, Matty once again hiding his face in his mother’s chest in the face of so many new strangers.

Raphek caught the king’s eye. At the monarch’s nod, Raphek handled the introductions. “Amber, may I present His Majesty, King Dagon, Her Majesty, Queen Izot, their son, Crown Prince Ansel, and King Dagon’s brother, Prince Astaron. You, of course, have already met Prince Astaron’s mate, Princess Briana. All are of the Rekkan royal House of the Red Flame.”

“Amber Davis,” Amber greeted, her voice still tinged with nerves. “This is my son, Matthew. Um—thank you so much for allowing us sanctuary in your kingdom, Your Majesties. Considering…”

Queen Izot offered Amber a radiant smile. “We are always pleased when we can offer aid wherever we can.” Her lips then thinned with displeasure. “Unfortunately, there are those who will always try to exploit the kindness of others, as well.”

“Which brings us to our current predicament,” Dagon said. “Along with your efforts, Raphek, Ansel and Lyven have also

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