What Fire Dragons Treasure - Cristina Rayne Page 0,25

shocked I’ve never heard you can live so long.”

“Few Terrans know this about us. It’s not something we’ve disclosed to even your leaders in Washington, so I would ask that you keep this particular truth to yourself when talking to other Terrans,” Raphek said.

“Of course,” Amber agreed quickly. “I don’t want to get you into any trouble.”

Raphek shook his head, annoyed with himself when her anxiety spiked within her scent. “Don’t worry. It’s not forbidden to speak of such things to Terrans. At the same time, it’s probably best we don’t telegraph what makes our two peoples different when so many Terrans are still wary of our presence.”

“Understandable,” she said seriously. “Since you have access to the internet here, I’m sure you’ve run across at least some of the anti-dragon sentiments making the rounds.”

Raphek grimaced. “Unfortunately.”

“I’m sorry.”

Amber’s face was pinched as though she were on the verge of tears.

He tilted his head in confusion. “Whatever for?”

“Because I screwed up, your kingdom now has a huge spotlight pointed at it that you never asked for,” she replied bitterly. “I really should have known better than to think I could ask a kingdom for help that had so many eyes already scrutinizing it without anyone finding out.”

Amber looked so lost and miserable in that moment that Raphek couldn’t help but step closer to her and draw her into a hug, wanting only to comfort her. She instantly stiffened, her heartbeat nearly doubling, and for a horrible second, Raphek thought he had made a grave mistake. Had he just committed a Terran social faux pas? He wasn’t as versed in Terran society as his friends, Airon and Sevek were…

Then Amber’s entire body seemed to go boneless in his arms as she leaned her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly in return. The sigh that followed was ragged and sounded utterly exhausted.

“I was glad to help you,” Raphek said into the thick silence that followed. “I’m even more pleased that I am able to continue helping you and Matty now.”

“You can’t be real,” she muttered into his chest.

Not understanding the underlining emotion threaded within her tone, Raphek merely tightened his arms around her and said nothing. Luckily, she didn’t seem to expect an answer if her steadily slowing heartbeat were any indication.

He was beginning to regret not asking more questions about Terran society while socializing with his friends who had Terran mates. Of course, he had never imagined himself acting as a patron to an emotionally wounded young Terran woman and her child, so he really shouldn’t be too hard on himself about it. He knew that, but…

Raphek sighed inwardly. At the very least, the anxiety permeating Amber’s scent was nowhere near as potent as it had been when they had left Matty sleeping on the couch to tour his home.

“My injured leg is starting to shake,” Amber abruptly said as she pulled away from his chest enough to look up at his face with blue eyes that were a bit glassy and reminded him of the jewels that they had been talking about earlier. “I think I should probably go join Matty again on the couch before you have to do something as embarrassing as carry me there.”

Her face was flushed, and Raphek couldn’t help but think that the color highlighted her pale skin beautifully. He had a sudden desire to run his fingertips across her cheeks and see if her skin was as soft and silky as Airon had once told him was a specific trait of Terran women.

Feeling a bit discomfited, Raphek released his hold on her and took a step back to give her space. At least, that’s what he told himself.

“Does the muscle where you were wounded hurt?” he asked.

“Not at all, but Lady Serie did say that I might feel a little weakness in it for the next few days, so…”

Raphek frowned. “Maybe I should wait until tomorrow to take you into the city.”

“Oh! It’s not that bad,” Amber said quickly. “Besides, I think a little exercise would be good for it, and trust me, you don’t want a bored three-year-old rampaging about your home. Only his T-rex plushie made it here with him, but that’ll only distract him for so long. Emma told me about a few toys that are popular with Draknos children that I can find down in the city.”

“I have a tablet that he can watch videos on, as well,” Raphek said as they made their way back

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