What Fire Dragons Treasure - Cristina Rayne Page 0,18

The mog was in the process of turning around to likely follow him. Then Amber nearly choked on her mouthful of tinik juice when she finally got her first look at Jaws’s face.

While the mog’s facial proportions and snout were rather sheep-like, that’s really where the comparison ended. Its eyes were about twice the size of a sheep’s, oval-shaped, and a startling cobalt blue that seemed to glow with a type of bioluminescence rather than the result of something like night shine. However, what had Amber really gaping in shock was the seemingly dozens of sharp, pointed teeth stretched across a wide mouth as though grinning at her. Grinning at her!

Jaws let out that strange high-pitched sound she had heard earlier as Matty climbed onto her lap, nearly making her slosh her juice all over both of them, she was so focused on the mog. Before Amber could react, the mog rose onto its hind legs and put its two front paws heavily onto her left thigh. He then looked up at her with the roundest, most pleading eyes she had ever seen on an animal juxtaposed with a grin that was a mockery of everything holy.

“Jaws!” Emma scolded as she climbed to her feet. “He is such an attention-whore, I swear. I’m sorry, but he’s used to being around a lot of kids who spoil him rotten with cuddles and pets.”

Matty took the mug from Amber’s hands. “Pet him, Mommy!”

“You have kids?” Amber asked as she carefully ran a hand over Jaws’s head, still unable to take her eyes off those nightmarish teeth. The mog closed his eyes and made a low sound like a hum that she could more feel than hear.

“No, no. I teach all the little dragons English as well as all things Terran to both children and adults,” Emma said. “They love it when I bring Jaws to the classroom.”

“Oh, you’re a teacher,” Amber said. “So, the government sent you here? As something like a cultural ambassador?”

When Emma didn’t answer right away, Amber finally tore her eyes away from Jaws’s teeth to look up at her hostess. She couldn’t quite decipher the other woman’s expression, but one thing was clear. She had inadvertently stepped into a minefield.

“No, never mind,” Amber said hastily. “That was awfully nosy of me to ask, wasn’t it?”

Emma shook her head. “It’s fine. My situation is a bit complicated, and I’m not used to answering questions about it. I—think it’s best that we just leave it at that, for both our sakes.”

“…and not mention meeting Emma at all to any other Terrans,” Sevek added, his tone deathly serious.

Yes, definitely a minefield.

“I won’t. You have my word,” Amber told him just as seriously.

“Mommy? I’m hungry,” Matty abruptly announced, and just like that, the thick tension in the room dissipated.

“I wasn’t sure if he had any food allergies, so I didn’t give him anything other than juice when he woke up,” Emma said apologetically.

“He doesn’t,” Amber replied. “Well, at least with earth food.”

“Don’t worry,” Emma said. “If you’d rather, I can make you two something Terran tonight. It’s probably best to keep things familiar anyway given all the turmoil Matty’s experienced today. You both will have plenty of opportunity to taste Elysian cuisine tomorrow when you and Raphek dine with the king and Princess Briana for lunch.”

“The king has agreed to hear your petition for asylum,” Raphek explained as her eyes widened in sudden shock. “He thought you would be more comfortable in a more casual setting than having to speak before the entire Court at the foot of his throne.”

“King Dagon…wants me to…” Amber trailed off, her stomach dropping into her feet like a lead boulder.

She never in a million years had expected to talk to the firedrake king at all! Had Garrett’s father already started enough of a shitstorm that the king felt the need to deal with her directly?

“Don’t be nervous,” Emma said. “The royals are some of the kindest people you’ll ever meet, but Amber, let me be frank. You must know that what Raphek did to protect you and Matty at the border—in full view of Terran witnesses, no less—has put the kingdom in a bit of a precarious spot.”

“Yes,” Amber agreed quietly, her eyes lowering as a fresh wave of guilt washed through her.

A warm finger lifted her chin until she reluctantly met Raphek’s uncanny, yet beautiful, eyes. “And I would do it again, regardless, and without regret,” he said firmly. “Not one soul in this kingdom

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