Werewolves Be Damned - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,89

spasm and her eyes snapped open. At the sight of Kyden, knowing they belonged only to each other, and at the raw affection she spotted in the depths of his eyes, her entire body, and the world around her, for a few seconds, froze.

No noise. No breath. No Kyden.

Then she was crashing into waves of sensations, washing over her in brutal force. Intense pleasure skyrocketed into every nerve ending in her body, and above her, Kyden pumped in rapid speed as his eyes widened.

At her final scream of satisfaction ripping from her throat, and with a harsh thrust forward, he roared and dropped down on top of her. His deep moans filled her ear and his breath tickled her neck as her body massaged his, eagerly drawing out his release.

When she no longer quivered and her body was, yet again, the equivalent to a jellyfish—something he seemed good at achieving—she shook her head, breathless. “I should not have waited so long to do that.”

Kyden rose up onto his hands, staring down at her with his hair dangling over his face. “Of course you should have.” His brows drew together with his frown. “Your virginity was mine to take.”

She laughed, cupping his cheeks, bringing his face down to hers. “You’re never going to change, are you? You’ll always be my guardian who acts like a total caveman.”

His mouth curved. “And you’ll always be the spitfire who can handle me.”


Three weeks had gone by in a blur. Nexi enjoyed the rest she’d been granted, and that the Council had given her some time to grieve. Although, right now, she wanted to be at home, in bed snuggled up with Kyden, and not standing in the middle of a circle of witches in the Witches’ Meadow.

However, as Zia had bluntly pointed out, she needed to listen to the Council’s orders, since she had disregarded Talon’s order to stay behind the night Kyden had been taken. Not that the Council wasn’t happy it had all worked out, but Nexi needed to be a good girl for a while. Regardless that she wanted to say no, she joined Zia tonight without argument.

Now she wished she’d put up more of a stink.

Zia smiled at Nexi before she turned to the witches. “We have a new witch among us.” She stepped forward, wrapping her warms hands around Nexi’s. “One who has been lost for some time. Will you join us, Nexi, and accept us as your Sisterhood?”

She hadn’t realized she’d have to talk, and muttered, “Yes,” even if she didn’t at this point truly understand what it meant to accept them. While all the witches looked nice and most smiled at her, this moment could not get any weirder.

Haven’s soft giggle sounded behind Nexi. She looked over her shoulder to give her soul-sister a you’re so dead look, as Haven’s amusement seeped into their bond. Of course, Haven would understand Nexi’s discomfort.

Zia squeezed Nexi’s hand, commanding her focus, and when Nexi turned to her again, Zia added, “Witches, do you accept Nexi into the Sisterhood of the Otherworld?”

“Yes,” they said in unison.

Releasing Nexi’s hands, Zia backed away, and she raised her arms to the sky. In the same manner Nexi had seen before at the circle, Air, Water, Fire and Earth, awakened through Zia and made their presence known.

Energy flowed around Nexi in giant waves, warming her skin with the magic pulsating like a heartbeat around her, something she definitely didn’t feel before, not to this level. Drawing in a long, steady breath, and shivering from the sensation, she also noticed an odd sense of happiness spreading through her, more than the presence of magic— the feeling of unity.

Here, she belonged.

On her even longer exhale, the Elements were sucked away with a loud whoosh before the blue ribbon-like energy rushed around the witches. The sparks of energy off the ribbon hadn’t been something Nexi had seen at the last circle, telling her this is what Haven had meant when she’d explained the purpose of the circle. Until she had her witch abilities, she wouldn’t understand the meaning behind why Zia gathered the witches together.

Now she got it.

It did unite the witches.

Nexi watched the ribbon circle each witch before it moved on to the next in impressive speed. Soaring past Haven, the ribbon encased Zia, then slipped along Nexi’s body. She gasped as the sensation tickled, causing goose bumps to pimple across her skin.

The intensity in the energy forced her eyes closed and she basked in its warmth.

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