Werewolves Be Damned - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,83

hands, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks. His expression filled with tenderness as he leaned in, then he sealed his mouth over hers. She barely had the strength to kiss him back. But nothing else mattered except that they were reunited, safe, and belonged only to each other.

Through his kiss and the firm set of his lips, she read the heady emotions raging inside of him but eventually, he backed away. His expression screamed victory as he handed her her sword. “Finish it.”

Confused by what he meant, she lifted her head, and his intent became perfectly clear. There wasn’t a single wolf left in the yard, only one supernatural remained who didn’t belong—Lazarus.

Mine to kill…

She struggled to her feet, Kyden assisting her, and snorted. “Man, this is worse than a hangover.”

“Your magic has drained you,” Zia explained, gathering Nexi’s hand. “You’ll feel better once it’s restored and the levels have settled. I’ll help you so you can deal with Lazarus, but a warning: you’ll need to be quick. My assistance won’t last long.”

A sudden jolt of energy exploded inside of Nexi, rejuvenating her. Now able, she released Zia’s hand and moved out of Kyden’s hold. Drawing in a deep breath, elated to be free of the retched exhaustion, she approached Lazarus, who stood by one of the big oak trees.

With each step she took, she noticed how weak he looked, pitiful even, as he stood frozen, unable to run away. A coward had to cage his victims to defeat them. She was no coward. “I won’t end his life this way.” Glancing over her shoulder, she asked Zia, “Is there a way to unfreeze him?”

“Of course.” Zia approached in slow measured steps. “But that power rests in you alone. Your emotions are so tightly wrapped around him that you need to free yourself—calm down—before the spell will break.”

Nexi rolled her eyes. “Supernatural talk is so damn confusing. Do you care to explain how I’m supposed to do what you suggested?”

Kyden yanked her into his strong arms, and his eyebrow arched. “I’ve got the perfect cure for such a problem.” Then his mouth crushed against hers in a kiss to stop time, as he tangled his fingers into her hair.

Heat flared between them, tongues twirled, and passion weakened Nexi’s knees. Drawing closer to him, she allowed his body to cradle her, and moaned against his lips. How he kissed her now was different, not gentle and careful. He stole the kisses right out of her mouth. Now he handled her like a man intent to devour.

Talon cleared his throat. “Kyden, she’s relaxed enough.”

Soft laughter filled the air around her, but Nexi paid it no attention, staying focused on Kyden as he leaned away. He brushed his nose against hers, his eyes blazing. “Go and end this. Let’s go home.”

She nodded, then turned to Lazarus, discovering he hadn’t moved an inch, her mini-tornado still encaging him. “What am I missing?” To Zia, she asked, “I thought you said if I relaxed it would release him?”

“No, I said you needed to relax first, then you could release him.” Zia folded her arms, regarding Nexi. “You had the power within you to freeze him. Therefore, you have the power within you to undo it. Trust yourself. You’ll know what to do.”

Was Zia nuts? “Might I remind you, I haven’t learned how to do this, yet.”

“You did it already.” Zia lifted a lazy shoulder with an air of indifference. “Just…do it again, but remember he has the ability to vanish. Don’t let him.”

Where was a magical instruction manual when needed?

Having no idea what to do, Nexi shut her eyes and focused on what she wanted, seeing that Zia didn’t plan to help her anymore than she had. Perhaps it was as simple as Zia suggested. She’d done it before. She could do it again.

Concentrating on what she wanted, she pictured in her mind unfreezing Lazarus enough so he could move, but that her magic erased his powers. Almost like a big bubble around him, keeping him bound to the backyard.

After a few breaths, she noted her body pulsed with energy like it had before she was burned alive, only this time it seemed easier to manage. The warmth flowing through her wasn’t overwhelming, but balmier. Her skin tingled slightly as her magic started to build and rise deep within her soul.

The heat grew steadily within her—not wicked hot like before—and it tickled, as it spread over her body. When the sensation centered in her chest,

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