Werewolves Be Damned - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,65

She wouldn’t stand by and allow it to happen again. If that meant she had to face Lazarus, then so be it. And she had no doubt he’d find her if she was free from the Otherworld, just as he had before—with the blood connection.

Her chances of defeating Lazarus were not favorable, but the truth was, no one else would die around her. She’d not sit around waiting for everyone else to deal with him. The time to take a stand had come and she intended to show Kyden she cared for him as much as he did her.

“What are you going to do?” Haven whispered.

Nexi stepped back and watched Haven’s face pale with worry. “I know it’s only been a short time since I came here and met you, but my life is better because you’re in it.” She kissed Haven’s cheek and whispered in her ear, “I love you. So, so much.”

“You’re scaring me.” Tears welled in Haven’s eyes. “Why are you saying goodbye?”

Nexi didn’t have the heart to tell her and luckily, Talon broke the silence as he snatched up her hand and led her away. Haven’s cries followed her, and she heard Finn consoling her. As she matched Talon’s stride, a pull from behind her had her glancing over her shoulder.

Zia’s expression mirrored Haven’s with palpable concern. She mouthed the words, “Be safe.” No doubt, from her mind reading abilities, Zia would know of Nexi’s plan. It surprised her that Zia didn’t intend to stop her. Maybe she understood. Zia had lost loved ones, too.

Once they arrived in the Council’s Foyer, Talon turned her into him, and rested his hands on her shoulders. “This blood connection between you and Lazarus puts you at too great a risk to leave the Otherworld. Kyden would want you safe. I’ll honor his wishes by ordering you to stay behind.”

Nexi nodded, having nothing to say. He had a valid point. She sympathized with why he gave that order, because it made him feel like he did right by his son. However, what Kyden wanted had long past. Her decision held strong. “Is that all?”

“Return to your residence.” Dropping his hand, he strode toward the Council’s Hall. “I’ll come to you with any news.”

Nexi focused on each step he took, held her breath, and waited for an opening so she could make her escape. Talon should’ve known by now, she did not intend to stay behind, and he seemed to forget she had a habit of not listening to orders.

Hadn’t she already proven that, a few times over?

The second after Talon vanished into the Council’s Hall door, Nexi darted toward the portal. She’d wrapped her fingers around the wrought-iron handle when Drake’s voice echoed around her. “Stop right there, Nexi Jones.”

Chapter Eighteen

Nexi cursed, facing stern hazel eyes and a harsh frown. Her mind raced to think up a good excuse—fast—for why she had her hand on the portal’s door. “I…” She had nothing and simply shut her mouth.

Drake’s eyebrows rose, his head tilted. “You didn’t think I would allow you to go alone, did you?”

Of all the things she had expected him to say, that wasn’t it, and her shut mouth fell open. “You’re not trying to stop me?”

He shook his head, closing the distance between them. “I had a feeling that you’d probably run off.” Settling in front of her, he sighed. “We all know that’s a habit of yours.” He studied her, then his features softened, as did his voice. “Do you care for Kyden, Nexi?”

Her throat tightened. “I do.”

Drake’s eyes saddened before he gathered her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest, accepting the warmth from the embrace. She didn’t have a fatherly-type relationship with Drake, but they were close, and getting even closer all the time. For only meeting him a couple months ago, things between them were good—solid.

In his arms, a safety net wrapped around her. Part of her wanted to stay there forever. The other part wanted to leave right now. Drake squeezed his arms and whispered into her ear, “We cannot both lose those closest to us. Life wouldn’t be that cruel. Trust in that.”

Did she believe him?

Life hadn’t been overly kind to her so far, taking not only her birth mother, but both her adoptive parents away from her, too. Now Kyden was in grave danger because of some malicious vampire wanting magic that she didn’t have to give to him. Life seemed cruel and unfair. She’d never let that

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