Werewolves Be Damned - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,63

when Talon asked, “How many wolves are with you?”

Yet again, not thinking but simply acting on instinct, Nexi shot forward. Finn reached out to grab her, as did Briggs. Spinning away from their attempts, she also dodged more hands as they tried to stop her. A foot away from Bayne, she kicked out and hit his chest, hard. Talon lost his grip, sending Bayne and her tumbling to the floor.

“Where do the others stay?” she shouted, getting in his face. “Where is Lazarus?” There would be hell to pay for interrupting Talon’s questioning, for that she was sure. She didn’t care. Her only concern was finding Kyden. She belonged to him, as he belonged to her. Nothing else mattered.

Bayne didn’t say a word.

Grasping his head, she smashed it against the ground, sending a loud crack echoing off the walls as blood oozed beneath him. “Tell me.”

The determination in his expression shifted to fear. “You need to find Efren. He’s the wolf that knows Lazarus’s whereabouts. But there are many wolves joined to Lazarus now—more rogues than I could even count.”

She didn’t care how many where there, only where they were, and Kyden’s condition. “Have you seen, Kyden? Is he alive?”

Bayne winced, his blood drenching the floor beneath his head. “As far as I know, Lazarus is healing him enough to keep him alive.”

Relief rushed through her so fast she now realized she hadn’t been breathing easily. But what he said also confused her. Glancing up to Talon, she noted he didn’t look angry that she had intervened. “How can Lazarus heal him?”

“Vampire blood has healing properties,” he said softly.

Before she could issue another blow to Bayne’s head to gather more information, a firm hand yanked her to her feet. Then she found herself staring up at a tall, buff werewolf who was the definition of GQ, as mummers came from the crowd.

The arrogant twinkle she’d spotted in Thor’s gaze looked weak compared to what she discovered in this man’s chocolate brown eyes. His whole demeanor screamed power. He gripped her chin, turning her head from side to side, examining her with his cocoa-colored hair falling over his brow. “I don’t know you who you are.”

It seemed more like a statement than a question, but she didn’t get a chance to answer anyway, since Briggs interjected, “Nexi Jones.” Stepping in next to her, Briggs laid a reassuring hand on her arm. “Nexi, meet the Patriarch of the Wolves, Valor.”

Not quite prepared to talk yet, she inclined her head at the introduction.

Valor studied her a moment before he turned to Talon. “Is this the new one I’ve been hearing about?” At Talon’s nod, Valor said to Nexi, “You’re strong willed, I see. Are you Kyden’s mate?”

Her mouth parted, but again, nothing came out.

“She will be,” Talon stated.

Nexi did not want to cry in front of his crowd, nor did she want to break down in front of this incredibly powerful stranger. However, the determination in Talon’s voice, and the meaning of his words, sent tears streaming down her cheeks.

Shocking her, fatherly warmth touched Valor’s expression, making her feel oddly protected, then he wiped the tears off her cheeks in a gentle move seeming so contradictory to his tough nature. It also seemed to surprise Briggs, since his eyebrows rose.

Valor lowered his hand from her chin, stepping away from her. “We’ll deal with this wolf, Bayne. Then I’ll do what I can to help you.”

“The Otherworld thanks you.” Talon sighed, cupping Valor’s shoulder. “I thank you.” At Valor’s soft nod, Talon turned to leave the area and his eyes met Nexi’s, appearing almost grateful.

Not exactly the reaction she expected, since she still thought he’d be mad about the whole kicking Bayne out of his arms incident. Perhaps, though, right now none of it mattered, and that she understood. What she didn’t understand was why he seemed so grateful to her. What in the heck had she done?

Her attention shifted to Valor as he pointed to Bayne on the ground. “Thor, this member of your pack has betrayed us, make an example of him.”

Briggs took Nexi’s hand and pulled her off to the side of the crowd. She turned to him and whispered, “What was that all about?”

“Valor appears to like you.” Briggs tilted his head, his amber eyes in line with hers. “He doesn’t offer his help to many, and normally stays clear of dealing with Otherworld business. This is a great honor, giving you his help.”

“I’m grateful for it.” The more powerful

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