Werewolf Academy Year Three - Jayme Morse Page 0,70

sitting across from her, rubbing his hands together. “The game has just begun.”

Her glossy lips curved upwards into a devilish smile. “Tomorrow, we set the fires. Then we begin the war.”

I wasn’t sure how I knew it, but I just knew that the second vision was happening now, in the present.

When I glanced over at Gloria, her eyes had grown really wide.

“That second vision is new,” she explained. “I’ve never seen it before. Meaning, there’s no way I could have transferred it to you.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, not understanding what she was getting at.

“When I transferred the first vision to you, I didn’t only transfer the vision, Raven. I connected us. Now, everything I am able to see, you’re able to see.” Her eyes met mine. “You’re a Seer now, but only because our visions are connected.”

“That vision felt so different from the first. It felt like it was happening in real-time. Is that right?” I asked.

“Yes, that vision is happening right now.” She shot a grave look in my direction. “Right now, they are getting ready to start the fires. Then, shortly after, they will begin the war.”

My heart pounded against my chest as a part of Ying Yue Lee’s prophecy echoed through my mind.

The fires will begin first,

And the war between the paranormal races soon will follow.

Chapter 28

“There you are,” Maddie said exasperatedly, as I walked out of Gloria’s booth. “We’ve been looking all over for you. You decided to get a psychic reading without me?”

“No.” Technically, that was the truth. I hadn’t decided to get a psychic reading. Gloria had pretty much dragged me in there to tell me my future.

“Oh, well, good. I want to get my fortune told later,” Maddie told me. “I want to find out how many kids Branden and I are going to have and what job I’m going to end up doing. Will we live in the human world or in the paranormal realm? These are important things to know.”

I was so shaken that I could barely find it in me to speak. And yet, somehow, I managed to say, “I really need to find my mates. I don’t see them anywhere.”

“Okay, well, let’s ride the Tilt-a-Whirl first. Vince is saving a place for us in line,” Maddie insisted. “We can look for your mates afterwards.”

Deep down, I knew there was no time to waste on rides. I needed to find my mates, and I needed to do it now. But I was feeling completely numb inside, and I wasn’t ready to talk to her about it yet. I had to talk to them first. So, I just nodded and let Maddie lead us to where Vince was waiting in line for us.

Thankfully, the line was so short that we moved forward right away.

I wanted to tell them everything. Keeping all of this to myself was too much. It was about to boil over, but I could still barely speak.

I also didn’t want to freak either of my friends out. I needed to talk to my mates first. We needed to come up with a plan before I could tell my friends.

“I’m so excited for the school year to finally be over,” Maddie commented as she slid into the Tilt-a-Whirl next to me.

“Girl, same,” Vince agreed with a nod as he climbed in on the other side of her. “This has seriously been the year from hell.”

“The year from hell is right,” Maddie agreed.

If only they knew that it was about to get a hell of a lot worse.

But I still couldn’t make out any words as the Tilt-a-Whirl began to spin into motion. All I could think about was what I had only just learned. The prophecy was already replaying through my mind.

The most valuable lesson I had learned since I’d started going to school at Werewolf Academy was about the future. I knew now that you couldn’t change the future—not every aspect of it, at least. You could try to change it, but what was meant to be was already written in the stars, in our destinies. And my destiny wasn’t at all what I had been hoping it would be. That much was for sure.

More than anything, the prophecy made me sad about what was going to come next.

I wished that things were different. If I could have chosen how my own future would go, I would have chosen differently.

If it had been up to me, I would have chosen all of them.

But the hard reality was that my life had been chosen for me long before I was even born. And the unfortunate truth was that it wasn’t just about me and them anymore. No, it was so much bigger than the six of us.

It was about ending the war that hadn’t even begun yet. This was about both the paranormal and human worlds; it was about saving both our kind and human kind.

And it really fucking sucked.

I loved my mates, each and every one of them. And even though I wanted to be with all of them, it was clear that couldn’t be my future.

And in that moment, I knew. I knew exactly what I had to do.

I had to choose, once and for all. And I knew now exactly who I had to choose.

Once the ride came to a halt, I climbed off. Not even bothering to wait for my friends, I began to make way back into the crowd of people, who were swarming all around me.

I scanned the area for my mates. Colton and Rhys had just been at the food stands moments before, while Theo and Aiden had been playing darts at one of the game stands. I wasn’t even sure where I had seen Kane last.

But now, none of them were anywhere to be seen.

A weird feeling came over me then. I could feel it deep in my gut. It was the wolfy intuition again.

Something wasn’t right.

My heart pounded against my chest as a million emotions—panic, fear, worry—swarmed through my veins.

But this time, it was different. This time, I knew these emotions weren’t mine alone. No, these emotions belonged to my mates. It was their energy I was feeling. I could feel their panic, fear, and worry as it shot through me like the fireworks that were being set off in the distance.

Speaking of the fireworks, they were supposed to meet me here when they started. But none of them were anywhere in sight.

I wasn’t even sure what was happening. All I knew was that something was going on… something that I could feel wasn’t supposed to be going on.

That was when I heard the sound of the gunshot ring out in the distance, and I felt it: the pain. It wasn’t slow or gradual. No, it completely tore through me; it felt like something had been ripped away from me. It was as if a piece of my soul was being torn out of me, and I knew exactly what that meant.

One of my mates had died.

As I fell to my knees sobbing and wailing, Maddie and Vince came to my side, asking if I was okay. I tried to answer them, but I couldn’t even form words, let alone sentences.

All I could see was red.

I didn’t even have to wonder who had killed my mate, because I already knew the answer. I could feel it in my bones.

I made a promise to myself then.

I was going to do the one thing I had wanted to do from the first day I had set foot on the Werewolf Academy campus.

I was going to kill Milos Santorini, once and for all.

The Werewolf Academy series continues in Year Four

Werewolf Academy: Year Four

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