Werewolf Academy Year Three - Jayme Morse Page 0,55

of them, since we already know it’s going to be me—are going to be heartbroken in the end.”

“Thank you for making this even harder.” I rolled my eyes at him. “I need to go back to the reception.”

“I guess I’ll head out of here for now. I’ll meet you all back at the house. Is the spare key still underneath the frog statue?”

“Yeah, but wait. What are you saying? You’re back for good?” I asked with raised eyebrows. For whatever reason, I had been expecting him to leave again. That seemed to be what he did best.

“I wasn’t going to stick around for too long, but now I know I have to.”


His eyes locked on mine. “Because I hear there’s a battle for your heart, and I need to throw my hat into the ring. I’m not about to just walk away and let one of these fools win.”

“So, it doesn’t bother you that I’m only going to choose one of you? And that it might not end up being you?” I asked.

“I’m pretty confident that it’s going to be me. But in the extremely unlikely event that I’m not the one you choose, I’m okay with that, too. I want you, but I also want you to be happy. May the best man win. I just want you to know that I’m not going down without a fight.” He leaned in closer to me then and kissed me softly. “I’ll see you when you all return, Raven.”

I watched as he walked away from me, without looking back.

A defeated feeling filled me as he went. This was the first time I’d seen him since July. And while our kiss had been incredible, it just wasn’t enough.

I needed more of my mate, and I needed it now. I didn’t want to wait until we went back to Wolflandia in two days. I wanted him now.

With a sigh, I began to head in the direction of the reception.

It was cold outside, but most of the guests were werewolves, anyway.

“There you are,” Maddie’s mom said, seemingly relieved to find me. “We’re getting ready to do the bouquet toss.”

As I went to stand in line next to Vince’s mate, Julie, the DJ began to play the song “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé.

Maddie got into position. With her back facing us, she began to twirl the bouquet over her shoulder.

I wasn’t even going to try to catch it. I may have been sort of engaged, but I was definitely not about to jump on the bandwagon any time soon.

At least, I didn’t think I was.

To my surprise, Maddie didn’t toss the bouquet. Instead, she turned around and walked over to Julie and handed it to her.

Before I even knew what was happening, Vince had moved across the dance floor.

Julie cupped her mouth with her hand as he knelt down on one knee in front of her.

As he stared up into her eyes, there was so much adoration behind his gaze. “Julie, my love, will you marry me?”

“Yes!” She squealed.

As he rose to his feet again, she flung her arms around his neck, and they kissed like they were the only ones in the world.

“Our boy is engaged,” Maddie said to me with a grin. “We planned this out last week when he decided he was ready to pop the question.”

I smiled as I watched the two of them bask in the feeling of being newly engaged. “That was, hands down, the sweetest proposal I’ve ever seen in my life.”

I was also sort of jealous. Seeing how simple and easy it was for them made me wish that I had only been given one mate.

I knew that fate didn’t give you anything you couldn’t handle, but why had it thought I could handle five incredible mates, all who I loved and didn’t want to hurt? It just didn’t seem fair sometimes.

At that moment, Milos’s black eyes appeared in my mind, and a grin hit my lips. “Life isn’t always fair, Fallyn. If it was, the two of us would be together. We would have always been together.”

I closed my eyes, trying to push his image away. He didn’t disappear at first. But then, flashing me a smile, he was gone… just as quickly as he had appeared.

I knew what Milos was trying to do. He was trying to remind me that, no matter where I went or what I did, he was always there in the back of my mind.

Even when I let myself forget about him,

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