The Weight - By Andrew Vachss Page 0,54

was a shame because it always worked. That’s how I know about it.”

Woods went back to looking bored. “So what d’you want, Caine? You think I’m going to sign an affidavit or something?”

“I think you want the same thing I do.”

“What? Justice for the victim?” The cop took a drag of his smoke. For a second, I was sorry I quit—he sure made it look like it tasted good.

“Not for her. For him.”

“Jesus. You did too many fucking crossword puzzles up there, Caine.”

“What d’you get out of making fun of me, cop? I know I’m no Einstein, but I don’t need to be one to add this up.”


“The guy who raped that girl, he owes you guys for doing it. But he also owes me, for doing the time.”

“You want me to help you find him so you can shake him down?”

“You get a kick out of saying things like that? I thought you were a right guy. You fucking well know what I’m saying, but you’re still just jerking my chain. So how’s this? The guy who raped that girl, his life isn’t worth five years of my time. But I can’t find him without help, so I’ll settle for him going down. And he’d go down hard, no matter where he’s locked.”

“And I care about that because …?”

“I’m not asking you to tell me anything. Just listen. No way he was someone the girl knew, or you would have nailed him. He got away with that one, so he probably got away with a lot more. Maybe he still is.”

“Or maybe he’s already doing time on one of the others.”

“If you know that, just tell me. What could it hurt? Hurt you, I mean.”

“Oh, I know what you mean, pal. And even if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you—I’m not playing bloodhound for a hit man.”

“I’m not—”

“You’ve got no rep for that, I know. But for this guy, I’m betting you’d make an exception.”

“Try me and see.”

“Can’t,” the cop said. “Far as I know, nobody’s ever been convicted of that rape. Besides you, that is.”

“But he could be in the system, right? Those sex-crimes guys, they ‘solved’ the case, so they’re all done. But you might get a DNA match off someone who’s still locked up and—”

“If there was DNA, maybe. I never asked.”

“There you go. That proves we could help each other. If you want the help, that is.”

He changed position on the bench. Dropped his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out. “How come you didn’t go to Sex Crimes with this?”

“How come you knew I didn’t do it?”

“What do you want, Caine? I’m not asking again.”

“I want you to tell the girl I didn’t do it. I want the chance to talk to her. I don’t think anybody ever really did. Nobody’s looking for this guy. But me, I’d look for him.”

“You carrying?”

“No, sir.” He had to be asking for some reason I didn’t understand. Anything I got caught “carrying” would guarantee me another few years inside a State box.

“You’d take a polygraph?”

“Right this minute.”

“And that’s the only crime you want to talk about?”

“Come on.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I know.”

“If you catch a terrorist from another country—catch him here, I mean—how come you ship him back where he came from for questioning?”

The cop didn’t say anything.

“I could be that other country for you. I find this guy, he’s going to tell me everything. Not just about the rape I did his time for, about every one he’s ever done.”

“Somehow, I can’t see you wearing a wire.”

“Wouldn’t need one. On every rape this guy committed, they found something. Maybe he’s got a trophy case. Maybe he takes pictures. Maybe he had a partner. I don’t know. But, whatever I get, add it to what you already got, wouldn’t that be enough to nail him?”

The cop pinned me with his eyes. Wasting his time—I wasn’t going anywhere.

“I’ll get back to you,” he finally said.


“That’s a good question.”

“I’ll call you, okay? Just say when.”

The cop looked at his wristwatch. Maybe it had one of those calendar things in it.

“I got two years until I pull the pin,” he said. “Retire. Me and the wife, we’ve already got a place picked out. Far from here.”

“It was worth a shot,” I said.

“I said two years, Caine, not two days. There’s benches by the other river, too. You know the Hospital for Special Surgery?”

“I can find it.”

“Just keep walking on Seventy-first; you’ll find a little bridge, takes you up to where Copyright 2016 - 2024