Weekend - By Christopher Pike Page 0,65


"The insurance doesn't take effect until I've worked for six months," Sol said. "I'll be an amoeba by then."

Lena pulled a jar of pink pills from her purse. "Take my medicine, I'm already cured. How's the rest of the gang?"

"Bert didn't get sick at all," Shani said. "He lives a charmed life. Angie said she's practically one hundred per cent. Oh! I have to tell you! I didn't even tell Park this!"

"What?" Park asked, excited.

"Naah, it's nothing. Never mind."

"What?" Park demanded.

"Bert and Angie have got together," she said.

Sol and Lena laughed. Park didn't. "Define 'have got together'," he said.

Lena reached for herPlaygirl magazine. "There's a picture in here that defines it perfectly."

"Come on," Park said, impatient, his ego bruised.

"I'd check out Lena's picture if you really want to - " Shani began.

"This is ridiculous!" Park interrupted."What would Angie be doing with Bert?"

"The same things she did with you," Sol said.

"Shut up."

"I've found the picture," Lena said, spreading open a page. "See, Park, this is what Angie and Bert - "

"Shut up!"

"Who are you telling to shut up?" Lena asked.

"Yeah!" Sol said.

"Both of you!" Park pointed an angry finger at her. "You're making this up!"

"Why are you so upset?" Shani asked. "You're the one who dumped Angie, remember?"

"I didn't dump her in Bert's lap!"

"She was bound to get another boyfriend," Lena said.

"But it's only been four weeks! Whatever happened to a period of mourning?"

"Youdumped her, you didn'tdie ," Shani explained patiently.

"You've got a point there," Park admitted. "And I've got Robin. There's no reason for me to be jealous."

He sighed. "But Bert - I'm not going to surf with that jerk any more."

"How's Kerry?" Sol asked, glancing at Lena.

"I'm not saying anything," Lena said, holding her magazine at various angles.

"Kerry's sick," Shani said seriously. "She's lost a lot of weight. None of the drugs are working on her.

She may have to be hospitalized. Her parents are really worried."

"Mine know the feeling," Lena muttered.

Shani snatched away her magazine. "I want you to do something for me, Lena."


"Call Kerry. She's sick because she can't stop worrying. Call her and promise her you'll never reveal her evil deed. Please?"

"They would just fight," Sol said.

"Kerry would just hang up," Park said.

"No," Lena said quietly. "We didn't fight, and she didn't hang up. I called her this morning."

"Did Robin make you?" Sol asked suspiciously.

"Robin doesn'tmake me do anything. It was my idea. We had a long talk, don't ask me about what. I think she'll start feeling better soon."

Shani was impressed. "I'm proud of you."

"Bert's kissing Angie and Lena's calling Kerry," Park told the ceiling. "What's this world coming to?"

"Just don't let it get around," Lena said. "I don't want to ruin my image." She stood, plucking back her magazine, folding it under her arm. "I've been waiting here to lead you to Robin. They've moved her to another room. Her mother's with her. She's an all-right lady. But I don't think Daddy and she are ever going to get along."

They followed Lena into the elevator. Park asked the question that was on all their minds. "Does this make you want to find your real mother?"

"Nope." Lena pushed button two. The door closed. They jerked upwards.

"But you must sometimes wonder about her?" Shani asked delicately.


"And it's none of our business," Shani added quickly.

But Lena's gaze was suddenly turned far away as she leaned against the back of the elevator and allowed them a rare glimpse into her feelings. "I think about my real father," she said softly. "I often dream about him." She chuckled, embarrassed. "It's just as well I'll never meet him. He's probably an ass, like his daughter."

They exited on to a blue-carpeted corridor that stretched forever in both directions. Leading her flock, Lena turned to the left. Shani had to work to keep up with her. Now would be as good a time as any.

"Where's Michael's room?" she asked.

"The other direction." Lena didn't break stride or elaborate.

"You haven't been trying to impress him with your feminine charms, have you?" Shani asked. You could get away with a lot more with Lena these days.

"Hey," Sol said.

"Not yet."

"Hey," Sol said again.

"I heard he's being discharged today," Lena said, playing with her. A mild infection had kept Michael in longer than anticipated.

"I know." Robin had given her the news two days ago. He hadn't gone out of his way to let her know.

True, he had called a couple of weeks ago, and he'd said that he was looking forward to seeing her. But he had been

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