The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,93

allowing for no argument. “This woman by my side is the woman I want to marry, exactly as she is right now. I don’t want her transformed into some cookie-cutter Barbie doll, so don’t you dare try to do it.”

Her mother gaped at him, her mouth drooping open. He had done what Megan had previously thought impossible: He’d stunned Nicole Vandemeer into silence.

Gram started to chuckle.

His hand snagged Megan’s, his fingers curling around hers and holding tight. “So now that the stylist appointment can be canceled, what else do we need to do?”

That shook her mother out of her stupor. “It’s on the itinerary.”

“It’s a damn wedding,” Josh said, trying to keep his anger in check. “Not a global summit. What do Megan and I need to do today? Absolute musts only.”

Her mother’s face reddened, although Megan wasn’t sure if it was from anger or embarrassment. Perhaps both. “She needs to pick up her dress and make sure it fits after the alterations. You both need to pick up the marriage license.”

Megan’s hand grew clammy at the mere mention.

Her mother’s resolve seemed to be returning, along with her haughtiness. “As I said in my message this morning, I have an appointment at Powell Gardens at two to go over everything for tomorrow with the event planner. I would prefer for Megan to come to that, but I need you both at the Platte County Courthouse at three thirty.”

“Why so precise?” Megan asked.

Her mother’s scowl deepened. “It’s all in the itinerary, Megan. Did you even bother to read it?”

Megan figured her silence was answer enough.

Her mother rolled her eyes again. “I have a photographer scheduled to be there to take your pictures.”

“Getting our marriage license?”

“It’s an important moment to preserve.”

Megan shook her head, at a loss for words.

“So Megan needs to pick up her dress, and we need to meet you at three thirty at the courthouse,” Josh said in a tone that was all business. It was obvious he’d axed the Powell Gardens stop as must-do. “Anything else?”

“You were supposed to go see Bart at his office to take him his tux and make sure it fits before the shop closes today.” Her eyes hardened and she shot the clerk a glare. “And after today’s fiasco, it’s a good thing I already budgeted in time to make sure it worked out.”

“Josh’s tux issues weren’t this poor man’s fault, Mother.”

“Nevertheless . . .”

“I’ll take care of it,” Noah said, stepping forward and clapping Josh on the shoulder. “You go spend the day with your bride-to-be. I’ll take Bart his tux.”

Megan’s mother looked dubious.

“I’d love to do it, Mrs. Vandemeer,” Noah said, using a toothpaste commercial smile that Megan was sure had gotten him more women than he could count.

“If you’re sure . . .”

Noah’s grin spread. “Well, that settles it. You two crazy kids go have fun picking up wedding dresses and getting that marriage license.” He turned slightly so Megan’s mother couldn’t see him snicker.

“We’ll see you at three thirty.” Josh tugged on Megan’s hand and dragged her toward the front door.

“Run, kids!” Gram called after them. “Escape while you can!”

“Megan!” her mother called after her. “Do not let him see your dress.”

“See you later, Mom,” she said as Josh continued out the door, not stopping until after he opened the car door for her.

“You just bowled over my mother,” Megan said as she climbed into the driver’s seat. “Thanks.”

His hand tightened around the edge of the car door, and his eyes darkened. “I probably should have let you handle it, but she infuriated me.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Does she seriously think you need to lose weight?”

Megan looked up into his face, floored by the protectiveness radiating off him. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get the dress, then eat lunch.” She gave him a wicked grin. “I seem to have worked up an appetite.”

“Sounds good to me.”

The bridal shop was only ten minutes away, and they made an unspoken pact not to talk about their impending troubles. Megan told Josh about all the spats she and her brother used to get into as kids and how all her friends used to crush on him, Blair included.

“No offense,” Josh said in a dry tone, “but I have trouble imagining Blair developing a crush on anyone. It seems like she’d be happier if she were actually crushing them instead.”

“I told you that she wasn’t always like this. She means well.” When he didn’t respond, she said, “Tell me more Copyright 2016 - 2024