The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,92

they were alone with Gram, who had closed her eyes again after realizing they weren’t about to eat.

“It pains me to see that you’re still so irresponsible, Megan,” her mother said. “I had hoped the fact you’re getting married tomorrow would help you mature.”

Megan considered responding, but what was the point?

Her tone softened. “Honestly, Megan. I was very worried after you and Josh disappeared last night. I understand why you left, but the least you could have done was call and let me know you were okay.”

Megan met her mother’s eyes and saw unexpected sincerity there. This was the first time she could remember her mother ever putting her concern for Megan’s safety over the need to look good in front of other people. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Her mother’s eyes widened in surprise. Megan knew why she was startled—she had never so willing volunteered an apology to her mother.

Maybe they were both growing up.

Kevin and Noah walked out of the dressing rooms, both wearing black tuxedos. Her mother’s attention turned to the men, fussing over seams and hem lengths. But Josh was the one who stole her breath away when he emerged from the dressing rooms a moment later.

He wore a black tuxedo with shiny black lapels. His shirt was white and it was paired with a white bow tie. He stood in the doorway, the uncertainty on his face more pronounced than before. He was a handsome man. She’d recognized that the first moment she saw him, but it was what was in his heart that had drawn her to him.

As his gaze sought out hers, she walked to him, unable to keep away. She stopped a foot in front of him and placed her hands on his lapels. “You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

His eyes searched hers for something—she wasn’t sure what. She offered him a soft reassuring smile and the twinkle in his eyes returned.

They stared at each other for several seconds before Kevin made a production of releasing a groan. “Save it for the honeymoon.”

Sadness flickered in Josh’s eyes, but only for a second before he wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her gently to his chest. “Give the girl a second,” he said to her brother. “She’s been overcome by my ruggedly handsome good looks.”

Noah laughed, but Megan didn’t so much as spare him a glance. Josh was her sole focus. She didn’t want to lose him. What was she going to do?

The men went back to take off their tuxes, and after a couple of minutes, Megan’s mother’s no-nonsense voice returned. “I’m glad you finally deigned to make an appearance because we have things that need to be done, and we’re desperately behind. I have an updated itinerary for you in the Navigator. Let’s go.”

Megan spun around to face her. “Go? What about Josh?”

“He’s going with his brother.”

She shook her head, adamant. “No. Whatever I’m doing, he’s coming with me.”

“It’s the day before your wedding, Megan,” her mother groaned in an exasperated tone. “After tomorrow, you can spend your entire life with him, but I need you today. It doesn’t help that your irresponsibility has added more things to our TBD list.”

“How has my disappearance last night added to the list?”

Her mother rolled her eyes. “Not last night, Megan. I’m talking about your weight and your hair.” She shuddered. “We were lucky my stylist could fit you in this afternoon.”

Megan stared at her in disbelief. Her weight? Was she seriously bringing that up again?

“What’s wrong with Megan’s weight?”

She turned to see Josh, who had reappeared from the dressing rooms, now dressed in his jeans and shirt. There was an unmistakable undertone of menace in his voice.

Gram sat up again, and Megan suspected the older woman’s nap had been faked to avoid interacting with Knickers. Smart woman.

Surprisingly, her mother looked slightly embarrassed. “It’s . . . well . . . most brides lose weight before their weddings, and her dress was too small because she didn’t.”

Josh’s eyes widened and a stunned silence followed her mother’s words. When he spoke, his voice was controlled and tight, showing more authority than Megan had ever heard him use. “Lose weight? Why would she lose weight? She’s absolutely perfect the way she is, and without being vulgar or crass, I like her curves just as they are. And as for her hair—” he closed the distance between them, “—it’s perfect, too.” He glanced at Megan’s mother, his gaze Copyright 2016 - 2024