The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,87

do anything to keep her in his life. Talking to her this morning made him realize that he’d made his father’s legacy such a priority, he’d lost sight of everything else. Whether he could find a way to keep Megan in his life or not, he had some serious reevaluating to do with the rest of his life.

But he was going to work on one problem at a time. And Megan came first.

Chapter Twenty-One

Megan climbed out of the tub and listened to her mother’s voice mail. Josh was right. It sounded like her mother would be tied up all day before leaving in the morning. But she noticed something else. Josh hadn’t mentioned that she had a voice mail from Jay, yet he must have seen it.

Megan almost deleted it without listening, but curiosity got the best of her.

“Megan, I know our wedding was supposed to be in a couple of days, and it’s made me realize how badly I fucked things up with you. I want to take you out to dinner tomorrow night and we can talk things over. Give me a call.”

She stared at her phone in disbelief. Did he really think it would be that easy?

Another question registered, giving her pause. Would she have gone back to him if Josh hadn’t come into her world? No. There was no way she would have been able to trust him again. Jay Connors deserved whatever miserable life he’d created for himself. She deleted his voice mail, hoping her non-response would be message enough.

Josh came back to the bathroom as she put her phone on the bathroom counter next to Josh’s dead one.

He leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb. “The good news is that your mother’s nowhere to be found. Gram says she refused to run errands with her. Get this, Gram’s excuse was that she thought she was coming down with something after running around naked last night.”

Megan cringed. “Good . . . I guess.”

“The bad news is that Gram wants to go to the tux rental place with us. Since I found her in her room with an easel and charcoal, I agreed. I figured it would stop her from immortalizing me in art . . . at least for the moment.”

Megan laughed. “Looks like we have a chaperone.”

Josh didn’t look so excited. “I’d be lying if I said that idea thrilled me, but when your grandmother isn’t streaking or trying to see me naked, she’s actually kind of fun.”

“I’m pretty fond of her myself.”

“Say, I really need to check my emails, but my phone is dead. Any chance I can use the computer in the home office?”

She glanced up in surprise. Why hadn’t she considered that? “Uh . . . sure. It’s password-protected, though.”

“Do you happen to know it?”

A grin spread across her face. “It’s probably the same one Dad uses for everything. Lovebug4Me.” She spelled it out for him. “He used to call me his Lovebug.”

A strange look flickered in his eyes. “You’re sure he won’t mind me using it?”

“No, of course not.”

He hesitated in the doorway. “How long do you think it will take for you to get ready? We have about forty minutes before we’re expected to show up.”

“Twenty to twenty-five minutes. I have to do something with my hair.” She lifted the damp strands hanging over her shoulder. “It only takes about fifteen minutes to get there.”

“Perfect.” He glanced at her phone. “Do you think I could borrow that? I need to check in with my business manager.”

“Of course.”

He gave her a quick kiss, then slid the phone off the counter and disappeared without another word.

Josh sat in Bart’s office chair, staring at the startup screen to his desktop computer.

He knew the password that Bart Vandemeer used for everything. The implications of what he could do with that knowledge were mind-boggling.

Of course, Megan could be wrong, but Josh had seen the man in action the previous day. He wasn’t technologically savvy, which would mean he probably didn’t change passwords unless he had to. He entered the password into the startup screen, his stomach knotting as he waited to see if it worked. If the password was a dud, it got him off the hook with his big ethical decision.

But the password was accepted, and the screen flipped to a starry sky background full of icons. Josh was relieved. He still wasn’t sure he wanted to break Bart’s privacy by checking email and document folders, but at least the decision hadn’t been made Copyright 2016 - 2024