The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,80

telling anyone where they were going. Everyone was freaked out. Nicole Vandemeer was inevitably more upset than the rest, but not for the same reason as everyone else.

She scrolled through the list—calls from her mom and her dad, multiple calls and texts from Libby, one from Blair this morning, and one that came in at two a.m., which would have been midnight Pacific Time.


Her chest tightened. She hadn’t talked to him since she’d told him the wedding was off and walked out of his apartment six weeks ago. Why was he trying to get in touch with her now?

She glanced up at Josh, whose questioning gaze told her he’d noticed her reaction. “Is everything okay?”

Shaking her head, she forced a smile. “Yeah. I’m just overwhelmed by the number of calls and texts I missed. Did Noah try to reach you?”

He grimaced. “My phone went in the pool with me last night. It’s on your bathroom counter awaiting its funeral.”

“So we need to get you a new phone today.”

“Yeah.” He was still watching her. “Did your mother send you a threatening text?” he asked, sounding worried.

“Text?” she snorted, scrolling through them. “Knickers does not text.”

“Then what’s got you so anxious?”

“I should have told someone where we were going. Libby and Blair are freaked out.”

“Take five minutes to call them and let them know you’re fine. Breakfast can wait.”

But she wasn’t in the mood to answer Libby’s excited questions and Blair’s accusations. Instead, she sent them a group text.

I’m fine. Josh and I needed to get away and I left my phone in the car. We’re headed to breakfast now.

Breakfast??? Blair demanded. You’re eating breakfast with a kidnapper?

Megan sighed. If anything, *I* kidnapped HIM.

I’m sure he wasn’t complaining, Blair sent back at lightning speed. >insert sarcasm<

I’m not doing this now, Blair. I’m going to eat breakfast. I’ll see you at the rehearsal at six.


A text from Libby popped up. I want details!!! <3

Do NOT encourage her! Blair responded.

Is Noah okay? Megan asked.

Who is NOAH?

Josh’s brother.

Megan’s cell phone rang three seconds later. Sure enough, it was Blair. She silenced the phone and tossed it onto the console.


“Nothing I can’t handle.” She put the car in reverse and backed out of their parking spot.

“Shouldn’t you call your mother?”

“Yes.” She kept driving and didn’t pick up her phone.

“I abandoned Noah at your parents’ house.” He laughed in response to her cringe. “Don’t worry. If anyone can handle your mother, it’s my brother. But I should call him and do some recon, see how bad it is.”

“Oh, it’s bad.” She forced a grin. “But that might be a good idea. Besides, you better check on him.”

Josh picked up her phone and entered Noah’s number before holding the phone to his ear.

“Hey, Noah. I thought I’d let you know I haven’t disappeared over state lines.” He grimaced. “She’s sitting here next to me, so watch it.”

He didn’t look happy, making Megan wonder what his brother had said.

“How are things at the Vandemeer residence?” He was silent for a long pause before he muttered, “Uh-huh.” Several more moments of silence followed, broken by, “Okay” and “Wow.” Finally he said, “Oh, shit. I hadn’t thought about that.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, we’ll meet you there at eleven.” He ended the call and put the phone down, looking out the windshield.

“Well . . . ?”

He jolted, turning to face her. “According to my brother, who is prone to embellishment, your mother nearly had a stroke. Your father gave her a couple of Xanax pills and put her to bed. She got up this morning and acted like the incident never happened.”

“You’re kidding.”


“Check my missed calls and see when she called.”

He picked up her phone, and she remembered the missed call from Jay. What if he’d left a message? It was too late to stop him now. Truth be told, she didn’t owe him an explanation, but she felt unnerved all the same.

Josh studied the list. “She called five times last night and once this morning, and there are three voice messages. Do you want me to listen to them?”

It seemed like the chickenshit way out, but she found herself nodding. “Yes.”

He listened to the first one, his shoulders lifted to his ears with tension. “Okay,” he said as he pressed delete. “That was mostly unintelligible, but the gist was for you to call her back immediately. It was about half an hour after we left.”

“Okay . . .”

He listened to the second message, Copyright 2016 - 2024