The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,54

it’s my constitutional right to wear whatever I want.”

“The key part of that is wear. You have to wear something.”

Megan’s grandmother looked up at her, her face beaming as if a particularly exciting idea had occurred to her. “Not to worry. I’ll wear something.”

“I’ve seen that look before—” Megan finished untying the belt and flashed the older woman a grin, “—and I approve.”

“Ha! I’ll meet you downstairs in about fifteen minutes.”

Megan had no desire to wait downstairs with her mother, who would only continue to bully her about her outfit, so she went into her bedroom and grabbed the two itineraries on the dresser. She sat down on the freshly made bed and opened each cover, flipping to Thursday and then Friday. Josh had been right. He was scheduled for a mani-pedi tomorrow. Ironically enough, Jay would have appreciated how organized the itinerary was . . . not to mention the spa time. Josh, on the other hand, was obviously as horrified as she was. Not that there was any point in comparing the two. Jay was gone—good riddance—and Josh was going to break up with her tonight. She would probably never see him again.

The thought was like a knife driving straight into her gut.

Her cell phone rang and she jumped, digging it out of her purse and then cursing under her breath. The power was at twenty-six percent. She’d forgotten to charge it. Then she saw who was calling and cursed again.

“Hello, Blair.”

She was silent for a half-second. “I called to apologize. I came on too strong last night.”

Megan couldn’t stifle her gasp.

“Yeah, I know,” Blair grumbled. “It’s as rare as finding a leprechaun under a double rainbow.”

“Actually, rarer.”

“Nevertheless, I’m sorry. I just love you too much to see someone else hurt you. I feel partially responsible for not cold-cocking your ex when I visited you in Seattle last February.”

Megan laughed. “I found out he was cheating on me after your visit. What grounds would you have had to justify that in February?”

“For breathing and taking oxygen away from worthier creatures. Like slugs. Or lice.”

Megan’s chest burned with gratitude and love. “Thanks, Blair. I love you, too.”

“And in that spirit, I need you to grab that imposter’s wallet and make sure he was telling me the truth about his name. Get his driver’s license and read off his address.”

Megan knew she should get mad at Blair for continuing on in the same vein as last night, but her friend’s declaration of love softened her. She rolled her eyes instead.

“Don’t you roll your eyes at me, Megan Vandemeer. We may be on the phone, but I can still see it.”

Megan laughed. “Do you want me to read off his height and weight while I’m at it?”

“Yeah, that will help me figure out if it’s a fake ID.”

“Blair, you’re not really going to check him out, are you?”

“You bet your ass I am. I thought I made that clear last night. I don’t trust this guy.”

“And what exactly do you think he’s up to?”

“I intend to find out.”

“Blair, let it go.”

“No. Now start reading.”

“I can’t. He went to work with my dad.”

“He what?”

“Calm down. What harm could he possibly do there?”

“Is your father working on anything big? Competing for any big jobs?”

“Oh, for heaven’s sakes, Blair. How should I know? I never talk to my father about business. Besides, it’s an engineering firm. You and I spent plenty of time there when we worked for him the summer between our freshman and sophomore years of high school. You know how boring that place is. If anything, Josh deserves a medal for going to work with him.” Then she considered it and glanced at his Thursday schedule. “On second thought, he’s smarter than I’ve given him credit for. He’s gotten out of talking to the photographer and the orchestra director—wait. What? Orchestra?” Megan started flipping through the pages, trying to figure out just how large the orchestra actually was and when it would be playing. There was no way this wedding only cost twenty-five grand. Panic flared up from her gut.

“Oh, my God. You actually like this guy,” Blair said. “I didn’t want to believe it last night, but I can see right through you.”

Megan sucked in her breath, then let it out slowly. “What? Of course I don’t. We were putting on an act.”

“That’s a lie! Your voice rose.” She paused, then softened her tone. “Look, Megs, no one helps a stranger with something this big for nothing. He’s got an Copyright 2016 - 2024