The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,50

She grinned, looking like she was up to trouble. “Did you go sleep with Gram last night?”

Horror rushed through his head. He wouldn’t put it past the woman to attempt to demonstrate some of her Kama Sutra positions. But the biggest problem at the moment was explaining to Megan why he opened her grandmother’s door.

“I was looking for a bathroom.”

Her head jutted back in surprise. “Why? You could have just used this one.”

“You were still asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you.”

“All the bathrooms upstairs are attached to bedrooms.”

“Yeah,” he said dryly. “I found that out the hard way. I thought there might be another one.”

“Did you get changed in Gram’s room?” she asked with a smirk, taking in his wet dress shirt and jeans.

“I got dressed in here, but I didn’t want to shave or shower and disturb you.”

She moved toward him and lifted a hand to his chin, running her thumb over the stubble. “Your scruff gives you a rugged look. It will give my mother a fit.” She looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I think you should keep it.”

His breath stuck in his chest at her touch, as he registered how close she stood to him, how warm her finger was against his face. He kept his hands at his sides even though everything in him was screaming to pull her closer and kiss her until she begged him to do more.

“And what about you?” he forced out.

She stilled, her fingertips still splayed on his face. “What about me?” she whispered.

“What do you think of it?”

“I like it.”

She was like a magnet. Not touching her would be like fighting the laws of physics. Impossible. One hand landed on her waist as the other slid across her cheek, digging into her dark, thick hair.

“There you are,” Gram said, her voice coming from behind Megan. “Did you manage to get Megan’s coffee?”

Josh took one look at her and cringed. Oh, God. She was still naked.

Megan broke free of his hold and spun around, gasping. “Gram! Put some clothes on!”

“Why does everyone keep telling me that? I came into this world without a stitch of clothes on, and I plan to leave it the same way.”

Megan chased after her. “Well, you’re not going anywhere today, so get dressed.”

“If I’m not leaving the house, all the more reason to go nude!” Gram insisted. “I tried to go into the Price Chopper grocery store this way, and based on the screaming and panic, you would have thought terrorists were attacking.”

“I wasn’t talking about running errands. What I meant is that you’re not, God forbid, going to be meeting your maker any time soon.”

“Don’t you worry, Megan. Your mother made me promise not to keel over before your wedding. She wouldn’t want anything to ruin her carefully laid plans.”

Josh regained his senses and cautiously followed Megan out of the bathroom. The older woman was now wearing a skimpy robe, and Megan was tying the sash around her waist.

“I’m thinking about relocating to somewhere that appreciates the human form.”

“Is that so?” Megan asked, working on the knot.

“I’m considering Panama or Belize.”

“I’d definitely check out Belize,” Josh said. “The tax laws are more favorable to Americans there.”

Gram looked interested in his suggestion. “Do they have any nudist communes?”

He crossed his arms. “You know, I’ve never checked. How about I look it up today and get back to you?”

Her grandmother beamed. “Maybe you kids would like to go with me.”

Megan glanced over her shoulder at him, giving him a look of mock terror.

“I think we’d just cramp your style, Gram,” Josh said. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to hold you back. You want to do naked yoga with people who will appreciate the beauty of it. As you’ve already noticed, I’m too much of a prude to count myself among them.”

She nodded, deep in thought. “You’re probably right.” She turned to Megan. “Never let this one get away, Megan Nicole Vandemeer. He’s a catch.”

Megan’s smile fell. “I’ll try my best, Gram.”

“But loosen him up a bit first.” She winked and gave them a mischievous grin, then left the room.

Megan shut the door behind her. “You know we’ll probably find her naked in the kitchen later, but she’ll have a devil of a time working that knot loose.” Her words were funny, but her tone was flat and humorless.

Josh wanted to answer, but he couldn’t form a response.

She moved over to her suitcase. “I’m going to take a Copyright 2016 - 2024