The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,365

to make love to her again. “She was always the one of us who was the most prepared for anything. Don’t let her innocent face fool you. She’s a schemer.”

He gave her a wicked look. “It’s the quiet ones that always fool you.” He popped the top of the champagne and filled the juice cups, handing one to Libby.

“Look at this,” she laughed. “Someone gave us champagne and I didn’t even have to wear my wedding dress.”

Her smile faded, and guessing the reason, he cupped her cheek in his hand. “I have your dress. It’s back at my apartment. I couldn’t leave it.”

She looked down at the tray on the bed. “Thank you.”

He lifted her chin and searched her eyes. “Promise me that you’ll never leave me again. I don’t think I could survive it.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Never.”

“And I’ll never leave you. It would be like ripping out my own heart.”

They made love again, this time more playful, and he marveled how every time seemed to be better than the last. Then they lay in each other’s arms and Libby told him about her friends’ intervention and how miserable she’d been without him. He told her about his talk with Josh and the possibility of taking over the Seattle office.

“What do you want to do?” Libby asked.

“I don’t know yet.” He looked down at her. “What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to be happy. Whatever that means.”

“I have to provide for us, Libby. I want you to focus on your photography.”

“You don’t have to provide for me. We’re partners. We’ll figure it out. Together. Okay?” she asked sleepily. He realized it was after midnight in Kansas City. No wonder she was tired.

He gazed into her eyes and kissed her softly. “I made you a present.”

That got her attention. “What is it?”

“I’ll show you tomorrow.”

She propped herself up on her elbow. “You can’t tell me that and expect me to wait. I want my present now, Noah McMillan.”

He leaned over and kissed her again. “I’ll give you anything you want, Libby McMillan.”

She grinned against his lips. “You’ll regret that promise.”

“Probably.” He grinned back. “But it’s worth it.” He stood and stepped into his jeans. “I need to take poor Tortoise outside anyway. Don’t fall asleep.”

But she was dozing when he got back, her hair spilled on the pillow behind her head. He stared at her for several seconds before she roused.

“Stalker,” she murmured.

“I couldn’t help myself,” he laughed as he sat down beside her, hiding the candlestick behind his back.

“Where’s my present?”

“Am I not present enough?” he teased.

“You’re everything I need, but you promised me a present. Where is it?”

He loved this about her. Her excitement over the littlest things. She made him feel that same giddy happiness. He had no idea how he’d gotten lucky enough to have her, but he would never deny his need for her again.

He fingered the grooves of the candlestick, suddenly nervous. “I made it for you this afternoon. I was going to bring it to you as a peace offering. I’m still rusty, so keep that in mind.”

“You were going to come to me?”

“I couldn’t live without you, Lib. Even if that makes me a selfish bastard.”

She grinned. “Then I’m a selfish bastard too.” She sat up, practically bouncing with excitement. “Now back to my present. You made it? Give it to me!”

He put it into her open hands. “It’s a candlestick. Like I said, I’m rusty so it’s a little uneven on the left—”

She kissed him and pressed the candlestick into his chest in her excitement. “You made this?”


“It’s the most beautiful gift I’ve ever gotten. It’s even better than the one Blair gave me before I got on the plane, so that’s saying something.”

He wanted to ask what Blair had given her, but she distracted him with that beautiful mouth of hers. They showered each other with kisses, and he marveled that he could be so deliriously happy.

As he drifted off to sleep, her voice broke into his thoughts.

“Oh, my palm was right all along,” she murmured, half-asleep. “And I was scared I’d gotten it wrong.”

He roused awake, determined to never let her down again. “What did you see on your palm?”

“You. I was so worried it was someone else.” She looked up at him when he tensed. “I’ll explain it to you tomorrow. Just know that your candlestick is the most perfect present to chase away my last lingering doubt.”

“You still doubt us?”

She shook her head. “No. Copyright 2016 - 2024