The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,345

knows things are a mess back home. She might be totally oblivious.”

She stiffened in his arms. “You think our wedding was ugly?”

“I think our wedding was perfectly us, but we both know that your friends—especially Blair—would have been horrified and offended by it.” He bent at the knees to look her in the eyes. “I suspect you got an earful when you called them earlier.”

“I only talked to Blair and it was enough.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shook her head and her eyes lit up with fire. “Their loss, but it only proves that other than Tortoise, there’s really nothing left for me in Kansas City. I want to move my things to Seattle as soon as possible.”

“I love you, Lib. I hope I’m worth the grief.”

A soft smile spread across her face. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say you love me.”

“If I said it as many times as the feeling hits me, I suspect I’ll annoy the hell out of you, but I’m willing to take the risk.”

She placed a kiss on his lips, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “I like the sound of that. Why don’t you call Gram while I get dressed?”

He nodded and watched her ass as she dug her jeans and underwear out of the bag. It was a good thing he was out of condoms or he’d suggest they order room service instead.

He pulled up Gram’s number. “Hey, Gram.”

“I’m surprised you and Libby are still speaking to me. Megan’s about to birth twin cows.” She sounded more subdued than usual.

He shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “Libby says it’s their loss. We love that you got a photo. For all I know it’s one of the only ones. We were supposed to get professional photos, but Angelica broke the camera, so unless one of the homeless guys had a camera, I’m pretty sure that didn’t happen.”

“I’m not sure why they have their panties in a wad. I thought it was a lovely service.”

“Thanks, Gram. We loved it too. Say . . . I know we talked about having dinner tonight, but we were wondering if you and Nana Ruby wanted to join us for lunch instead.”

“Sounds good. Then we can go see Donny and Marie tonight.”

He laughed. “You want to see Donny and Marie?”

“Nah. It seemed like a good compromise. Ruby’s a little bit country and I’m a whole lot of rock and roll. What Ruby doesn’t know is we’re going to a strip club after. I’m hoping to meet my Mr. Right.”

“Well, okay then . . . that works out well. Do you have a preference where we eat for lunch?”

“That Food Network guy has a restaurant here. How about we eat at his place?”

“Sounds good. Can you be ready to meet us there at noon? I’ll see if I can get reservations.”

“We’ll see you kids there.”

“It’s a date.” He hung up and grinned.

Libby stood in front of him wearing a pair of jeans that clung to her hips and a black sweater with a V-neck that dipped into her cleavage and knit fabric that showed off her generous breasts. It didn’t help matters that he knew she was wearing black lingerie underneath. “I’m ready to go. What are we going to do for the next forty-five minutes?”

He pulled her into his arms, groaning. “Not what I’d like to be doing. You’re gorgeous.”

She laughed. “How about we find some condoms for later, then wander around until it’s time to meet them for lunch.”

“That sounds like a fabulous plan. We better get the jumbo package. I hope your purse is big enough.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Gram and Nana Ruby were waiting for them at the entrance to the restaurant. Nana Ruby had ditched the sparkles for a red sweatshirt that said My grandkid can whoop your grandkid’s ass. Gram wore yoga pants and a T-shirt. Her face was red and she was huffing and puffing.

“Gram, are you okay?” Libby asked, worried. “You don’t look so good.”

“I’m still sweating from that hot yoga class.” She pointed her finger at Libby. “And for the record, hot yoga is not full of hot men. I stayed long enough to break a sweat, then hightailed it out of there.”

Noah laughed and wrapped his arm around Libby’s back, resting it on her hip. She glanced up at him with a smile.

“You girls are stealing all the hot men,” Gram teased. “There are none left for me.” She pointed over to Nana. “Even Ruby has a man.”

“You’ll find one,” Noah Copyright 2016 - 2024