The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,331

wings and taking off into flight, swooping over their heads.

Noah put a protective arm around Libby and pulled her to his chest, but then he realized the two older women standing in the doorway had nothing to do with the Little Heaven Wedding Chapel deluxe package.

“Sweet baby Jesus!” Gram shouted.

“No,” Nana Ruby said in disgust. “That’s not Jesus. It’s just a hairy man in a diaper.”

Tito stopped strumming and shot them a glare. “I’m sorry, but we’re in the middle of a service. Feel free to sit and watch or wait in the lobby, and we can marry you next.”

Ruby snorted. “He thinks we’re getting married.”

Gram chuckled. “You’ve got it wrong there, Mr. Diaper Man. She’s got herself a man who’s into BMI, and I’m on the prowl.” She paused and took in the mural on the ceiling. “Although I may have found him.” She turned back and appraised Tito with a gleam in her eye. “Is this one of those Costco things? I didn’t know you kids were into that.”

Noah burst into laughter. “I think you mean cosplay, Gram. And we’re not. This is everything that comes with the deluxe package.”

Gram nodded as though that explained everything.

Tito shuddered and looked down his nose at Noah, which was difficult since Tito was a good six inches shorter. “You know these women?”

“They’re our grandmothers,” Libby explained with a shrug. “Kind of.”

Tito waved them forward. “Then come in and sit down. We’re in the middle of their vows.”

“Wait!” Libby said, holding up her bouquet. “You’re not here to object to the wedding, are you?”

“Object?” Gram asked in disbelief. “Why would we object? I’ve been shipping you two since you first laid eyes on each other.”

“And I could see your connection at Blair’s wedding shower for my sorry excuse for a grandson, Neil,” Ruby added. “Let’s get this going.”

The two women sat down as Tito lifted his arms and stared up at the hole in the ceiling. “Let us resume.”

“What time is it?” Noah asked.

Nana Ruby looked at her watch. “Eleven fifty-nine.”

Noah grabbed Libby’s hand and shoved the ring on her finger. “Lib, if you don’t like this, we can get you a new one.” Then he held his hand out to her and she slipped the other ring on his finger.

“It’s perfect.”

Noah turned to the shocked Tito. “Quick. Declare us man and wife.”

Tito looked dismayed. “But we have more service first. We haven’t gotten to the dancing angels yet.”

Libby’s mouth dropped open. “Dancing angels?”

“Maybe later!” Noah shouted. “Declare us man and wife!”

Tito shook his head. “Okay, I declare you man and wife, you may—”

Noah pulled Libby into his arms and placed a hard kiss on her mouth.

“—kiss your bride,” he finished in defeat. “You ruined the wedding.”

Libby pulled back and stared into Noah’s face. “No, it was the most perfect wedding ever.”

Chapter Twenty

“We did it,” Noah said beaming. “Happy Birthday, Libby.”

She stared into the face of her husband. Noah’s my husband. “I can’t believe we did it.”

Worry wrinkled his forehead. “Are you sorry?”

Their decision had been impulsive. They’d made it while they were drunk. Noah hadn’t even said the words I love you, yet she knew he did, just as she knew they hadn’t made a mistake.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Say cheese!” Gram said, holding up her phone.

Tito stood behind them, posing with his harp as Gram and Angelica snapped photos.

“We need a picture with you and Nana Ruby,” Libby told them. “Angelica, can you take a photo of all us?”

“Photos are included in the deluxe package,” Noah said, when Angelica started to balk.

“Come on, Gram,” Noah said.

“I gotta send this tweet first.” She tapped on her phone and looked up at them with a grin. “Done.”

They spent the next five minutes taking photos. Libby insisted the paid wedding guests be in the photos and Noah found the two men who’d been kicked out, sitting on the floor of the front room, and invited them back in.

Tito took center stage for all the photos. One of the men kept grabbing at Tito’s loincloth and the pseudo angel kept smacking his hand away. Libby giggled through it all, wondering how everything could be so perfect.

Then just as Noah predicted, a bright light shone from the hole in the ceiling and Tito rose back up into the air, his wing catching on the edge of the hole.

“Angelica! Lower me back down!”

Angelica kept pushing a button on the wall by the stereo system. “It’s stuck.”

Noah ushered the three women toward the exit, snagging Libby’s hand Copyright 2016 - 2024