The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,329

actually think I would?” he asked in dismay.

“Asks the man who took me to see a giant hairball,” she countered in a whisper.

“Shhh!!!” Angelica hushed louder.

One of the homeless-looking guests sat up and pointed. “Hey, that man’s wearing a diaper!”

Angelica stomped her foot. “Shh!”

But Tito was too caught up in his performance to notice the commotion. He kept belting out the song as he descended, and to add gravitas to the occasion, the front of the chapel darkened and two spotlights flashed on, bathing Tito’s now visible and very hairy chest with a warm glow. As soon as his shoulders cleared the space, two wings unfurled from his back, both covered in white and silver feathers with sparkles that caught the lights. One of the wings caught on the wire holding Tito in the air, tilting him sideways. His arms flapped and his legs kicked as he hung there, suspended three feet off the ground. He released a little yelp, but almost immediately continued to sing and strum his harp.

Libby broke into giggles again, burying her face in Noah’s arm to muffle the sound.

A true showman, Tito jiggled enough to free his wing and landed gracefully on his feet. Without missing a beat, he turned his attention to Libby, crooning with even more earnestness as he repeated the chorus.

“Hey.” Another man in the back shook the snoozing guy next to him. “You gotta see this.”

The younger man roused, then blinked. “Dude, what was in that weed?”

“I don’t know, but we gotta get some more.”

“Shh!!!” Angelica snarled as she grabbed their arms and pulled both them out of their seats.

“Hey! I want to see the show,” one of them protested, but she pushed them out through the doors. The four remaining men looked startled.

“I think I should get a refund on the deluxe package,” Noah mumbled.

Libby giggled again. “Is this guy performing the ceremony?”

“Meet Tito, and I’m thinking that’s a yes.”

“Oh, my God. We’re getting married by a man wearing a diaper.”

“Nothing but the best for you, Libby St. Clair.” He grinned. “At least it’s not a skirt. And in case you’re wondering what’s underneath . . .” He motioned his head toward the ceiling.

Libby looked up and gasped, followed by a new round of giggles.

Tito finally stopped singing and cast an unamused glance at Noah and Libby. “You’ll have to come up onto the stage so I can perform the ceremony.”

Oh, crap. How much time had they lost to Tito’s theatrics? “What time is it?”

“What?” Tito asked.

“Is it midnight yet?”

“It’s 11:55,” Angelica shouted from the back of the room. “Tito still has time for another song.”

“How about Tito sings after he pronounces us husband and wife?” Noah asked, trying to curb his impatience. He took Libby’s hand and helped her onto the platform in front of Tito.

“You’re carrying the bouquet,” Tito said, scrunching his nose. “I tried to convince him to use a real one.”

Noah started to explain, but she smiled up at him. “It’s beautiful. But you don’t have a boutonniere.”

“I don’t need one, Lib.”

She gave him a short scowl. “Yes you do.”

Angelica climbed up onto the platform, taking photos with a small click and shoot camera, but from the looks of it, she was putting more of Tito in the frame than the bride and groom.

Libby ignored her and plucked a daisy from her bouquet and stuffed the stem into Noah’s coat pocket. “It’s not perfect, but it will do.”

“It fits this crazy wedding.”

She looked up at him, her face radiating happiness. “It fits us.”

He beamed with his own happiness. “Yeah, it does.”

“Are you ready for the vows?” Tito asked, sounding annoyed. “I have a beautiful service prepared for you.”

“I’m kind of curious what he’s got,” she whispered to Noah.

“Then by all means, let’s do it.”

Libby bit her upper lip, probably to hold in her laughter. “Yes, we’re ready for the vows. But can we do our own after?”

“Well, I guess.” Tito sounded miffed, but he lifted his chin. He leaned over and set the harp on the floor. “Angelica. The vows lighting.”

Angelica had been moving around getting photos, but now she hurried to the back corner.

Tito was still spotlit in his golden glow, but two softer spotlights now shone on the floor in front of him. He curled his fingers and motioned for Libby and Noah to move to their positions.

“I feel like I’m in the plot of a horror movie,” Noah muttered. “And it doesn’t end well.”

Libby burst out laughing again.

Tito’s forehead furrowed into a deep Copyright 2016 - 2024